brainwipe's blog

You have a single seat VTOL fighter, do you? That's nice

Last night we rolled with the Hydra, a staggeringly expensive piece of military hardware that flies over San Andreas like we're at war. I don't think it's a broken mechanic because it is non-trivial to fly; we've been "griefed" much more by a twat with a rocket launcher and ridiculously short spawn distances. I enjoyed batting around in EMW's new Hydra toy last night, I think we're going to see more of them during the half price sale. Here's a redditor on the subject of dealing with them.

Postcards from Minecraft

I've been pottering around on a few little projects and some have come to fruition!

First up is the Village Station (Purple Line) that sits between St. Spawncras and Eastgate. Happily, it's about halfway inbetween! There used to be a little water garden there, which is a pity to lose but the station is much more useful.

Postcards from us being pants at GTA V

Last night saw some of the most pants gaming ever. Twas fun tho! Glad we got to the end of that heist setup, I honest thought I was going to die. Here are some snaps that capture of some of majesty of last night.

Let's start with the tartan magnificence that is Fish's legs, sitting in the gun turret of the Insurgent. I switched between first person and 3rd person more than most, so many would not have seen his Bay City Rollers trousers this close up before. It's fine as long as he doesn't knee me in the face.

Postcards from GTA V

I like to start an evening session by being picked up by Byrn in his Declasse "beater" Tornado. Byrn had originally stolen the ol' Tornado during a heist and we made something of an "escape" in it, wheels spinning on sparking rims. Since then it's been a joy to be picked up in the beat-up old lump. Here we are sitting in Los Santos Customs. You can see the impeccable job the LSC team have done on it.

A chat and an escape on Discord

Work has been particularly worky recently (not in a bad way) and with Kate being more preggy (in a good way), I've needed to pick up on a bunch of things that she would normally do. You know, the little things like getting Felix to school, cutting of his crusts, making breakfast, etc.

MC - The evil multi-coloured sheep farm

South Castle is going to become a balloon dock and for that I want to make a few lovely balloons around the place. Rather than go all-white like Cloudship Atlantis, I wanted to use different colours. We have a reasonable sheep farm near Big Rob's Tower but it wasn't large enough to partition. I needed somewhere flat difficult to build on. The base of EMW's EVIL hand seemed ideal. Perhaps it was the evil that made the sheep multicoloured?

MC - South Castle update

Pottering along in our Minecraft Realm yesterday afternoon (amongst washing clothes and putting away camping crap), I managed to do quite a lot to South Castle.

I'm mostly sold with the idea of making it an airship/balloon dock/travel nexus. I'm going to make a new Airship over the top of it, with sheep-farmed wool. I'm going to create a new sheep farm with multi-coloured wool (you can dye sheep) for the purpose.

Rolling with Lack Of Inc

Lack of Inc, controlled by criminal CEO EvilMattW is new in town and has mixed fortunes. Here's what it's like to roll with EMW for an evening.

The Boss (EMW) invites you, no matter where you are across town. Here I am in a stolen Vigaro. You become his associate. Associate is not an employee - there's no National Insurance, no medical insurance. You are his bitch. But you do get 6 grand every so often.