brainwipe's blog

Quadcopters - getting started with a nano/Tiny Whoop

I met up with Byrn and Aggro last night for a spot of quad flying on campus. Aggro got pretty good with the Inductrix but sadly Byrn was seeing blurry-vision through the goggles. Aggro was interested in what needed to be got, so here's the list of some tried and tested kit. I've grouped the stuff together. I'm stealing a bit from this great post here. Prices after the link.

MC - Survival help posts

So, I keep being stuck out in the wilderness and short of something or other. Sometimes armour. Sometimes I need a furnace and have no cobble. Or a bed. Christ, the number of times I've needed a bed. While playing MC with Felix, I started having a play with an idea for a Survival Help Post (needs a better name). It's a compact thing that I'm going to start sticking on hills. It's quite expensive in terms of iron but we have butt-tonnes of that (even taking rail into account).

It's got:

3D printing, I'm especially excited

Many, many years ago, Back at Mill Hill School I spent a huge amount of time building 3D objects with a program called Euclid on the Acorn Achimedes. I made citiies you could "fly through" (move the camera) and an American truck. It was where my love of 3D things, be it rendering or building worlds, began. At some point in University (1996ish), once I had my stonking first PC (a Dell Pentium 200Mhz) an old chum Raj furnished me with Lightwave 3D, which he said "They used to make Babylon 5".

Minecraft 1.9 on Thursday

It's taken them two bloody years but there are some cool things coming. I'd rather they released less and more often. Here's a really good roundup:

The End has a Point

I want to go to the end now. I didn't really care before but now there is a reason to do it. I'm going to find me a portal, make a safe railway to it and then go kill me some dragon and do some exploring!

MC - Three postcards

The new entrance to the Vertical Slum. It's a little spartan inside, which is madness. I kept the hotbar on so that you can see my melon diet continues unabated. Nice picture of the proud windmill in the background.

2016 Resolutions

I'm like Pete, I like to have some goals and then compare every so often. In 2015, I gained a new hobby that has successfully scratched my itch for flying, which is ace as I can sneak out for a few hours, be in the fresh air and spend time with geeks. There is also something to spend my meagre pocket money on.