So, I keep being stuck out in the wilderness and short of something or other. Sometimes armour. Sometimes I need a furnace and have no cobble. Or a bed. Christ, the number of times I've needed a bed. While playing MC with Felix, I started having a play with an idea for a Survival Help Post (needs a better name). It's a compact thing that I'm going to start sticking on hills. It's quite expensive in terms of iron but we have butt-tonnes of that (even taking rail into account).
It's got:
- Bed
- Full set of armour
- Furnace (outputs automatically into chest)
- Brewing stand
- Workbench
- Anvil
- Chest
- Cauldron (collects water when it rains)
- Clock
- Map on the wall
- Fence post to attach your horse to
Such a simple little thing, really. I'm going to play with the design a bit.
I like the little red rug next to the bed, a very nice touch.
Is is high enough to protect from a creeper attack?
Thanks mate! I liked that too. I'd choose colouring depending on the environment.
Re: Creepers. You'll live but the post will die if they go bang. If you're up there then they won't go bang, at 3 blocks you're too far. But you can't get off.
I tend to find that I'm stuck when the sun is going down - don't want to travel all the way to a proper base: I just need a bed and some support.