South Castle is my sad attempt at marking the southern most edge of Ringwall. Constructed in a hurry before moving on, it was intended to be an impressive castle and train station: a terminus for all things.
Here it is from within the wall, it's little house poking out.
From the top, it used to be a farm but fell into disrepair. No idea where the animals went.
Most importantly, the inside needs sorting out. This is a mess and has been sadly unloved for ages.
Here is the cliff that needs an exit and bridge to the South - sorry for the dark picture, I wasn't thinking about setting the time when I did it!
@EMW - the corridor on the left leads up to some redstone that I think is near the waterfall room - did you have a plan for it?
I'm pondering what to do with it. I definitely need to sort out the station and provide an easy way to get out of Ringwall. I also need some stables for those of us who like a horsey. And it needs to be impressive - as is fitting for Ringwall.
I don't want to extend it to the height limit - I've been there with the Uberslum and that was fun because of the odd shapes and buildings. Doing a cylinder to height limit might kill me. Perhaps just finishing it as a castle with some more metal-looking turrets in cobble and stone. Perhaps I could turn it into a balloonship dock and make a balloon or two?
I could also remove it and build something cooler in its place - I do have an idea but I was going to build that idea (secret) elsewhere. I also prefer to build onto rather than remove, feels more satisfying.
What do you think? Any thoughts and ideas.
>>>@EMW - the corridor on the left leads up to some redstone that I think is near the waterfall room - did you have a plan for it?
not sure I'll try and have a look at some point see what it was about