brainwipe's blog


At 0311 on the 21st of December 2016 Kate woke me up by going to the loo. Pregnant women visiting the toilet 4 times a night isn't remarkable, so I stirred but stayed curled up under in thick PJs and three times the covers that ordinary people do. The side effect of human baking is that you generate your own heat like a geothermal vent and the heating has been pretty much off for months. Pregnant women fitted with a heat exchange unit is a viable renewable energy source.

Kate sounded urgent when she returned.

"That's my waters breaking."

A Postcard from Minecraft

I've been surveying/roof fixing around the village and had stopped by Rob's tower and saw the snow scattered around looking scruffy. So I borrowed some cobble and tidied it up!

That's all to report. I've mostly been pottering around and making more enchanted weapons. I need to experiment with our map to see if I can figure out why it's going to the wrong world when you go through the End Portal. I think it might be something to do with world numbering and our old nether is numbered "wrong".

Postcards from Los Santos

Spanning a week or two we begin with the end of last night and a couple of bad fellows who got on the wrong side of the Lack of Motorcycle Club. They just wanted an excuse for a cuddle.

The Habanero, a particularly shit car that holds a special place in EMW's and my heart for it saved us in an hour of need. Now it has become the icon of a club that needed no icon. The first rule of Habanero Club is that you blow it up.

FPV Quadcoptering for about 80 quid

My work colleague (we'll call in Charles) wants to get into FPV and we've been experimenting with a few cheap options. There's now a ridiculuously cheap way to get into it. It all comes from the Chinese copy-house Eachine and the components are crazy-similar.

Assuming a single battery for flight (to start with) and you have a soldering iron or access to one (or live near me).

MC - To The End

In 1.10 those kindly folk at Mojang inserted a great many cool bits and bobs into the game. Most notably was cool stuff in The End. Not just blocks to build with but wings to fly on and other treats. While I've been pottering about and building here and there and working on THE SECRET PROJECT, I've not really had an adventure in a long time (Horse House might have been the last one). So, off to The End to kill the dragon it is!

[YT] Cruising with the Lack Of Motorcycle

I made a thing! I decided to give myself 80 minutes to edit a short clip I arrested from last week's game. For those who haven't ridden with us in a while, EMW is driving his 3-wheeler in his pants, Big R is the motorcyclist in the star spangled pyjamas and my character, Satre, is the trouble maker who gets bitten by Karma.

I enjoyed putting the video together, even if the distance-limit was really very annoying.

Rolling with Lack Of MC

A few shots I gathered last Sunday while rollin' with the chaps.

I stand behind President Evil Matt like a Nazi stormtrooper, waiting for my orders. I managed to find an angle that didn't include any of the NSFW pictures that the club house has splattered all over the walls.

Lack Of Plc lives!

Last night I slammed down $1M for my office in the Maze Bank West on Red Desert Ave, parked up the V out front and settled into the office. I didn't have enough to buy a Warehouse, so I went out alone to Headhunt and Sightsee until I pipped over that 250k threshold.