I've been surveying/roof fixing around the village and had stopped by Rob's tower and saw the snow scattered around looking scruffy. So I borrowed some cobble and tidied it up!
That's all to report. I've mostly been pottering around and making more enchanted weapons. I need to experiment with our map to see if I can figure out why it's going to the wrong world when you go through the End Portal. I think it might be something to do with world numbering and our old nether is numbered "wrong".
I might experiment locally by deleting the nether, recreating it and then trying to enter the end. If that works, we'll have a chat about what to do about our Nether because the XP farm is very useful (and a bit broken).
Big Bob - I always wondered what plans you had for the Tower Compound?
To be honest ... I was trying preseve the snow ...
This could get really, really entertaining :-D
But it won't.
The world has changed a lot since I staked that claim, at the time I lived in hope that the snow and ice would come back with weather effects, but they never did. It was also created before ringwall, it might have even been the inspiration?!? But right now it is just reminder of another time.
I should probably continue my efforts, the sky limit has changed so it need extending, I never did finish the basement and to be honest, it externally a bit basic and could do with a revamp. The core of the design was about using the generated terrain patterns, so it would appear more natural than the usual man made structure.
There's also the glass shield for you to build...