brainwipe's blog

Postcards from Los Santos #spoilers

We're rolling again! Naomi is now big enough to make Sunday nights a possibility once more and Lack-Of Inc, Plc, Ltd and MC were once more out in force. Let's start with some classic EMW flying.

This image is the correct way up. I'd died early on in this "nick the titan" mission and was watching in 3rd person applying various filters for a laugh. EMW decided to go knife edge through the city but only managed to go a little bit knife edge and into a building. Nice.

I missed GTA V

Got back late from visiting the rents last night and fired up GTA for some criminality with EMW. 50% doing stuff, 50% buggering about.

I particularly liked turning a bus into a battle bus and trying to outrun the rozzers. It all went well until EMW decided to offroad!

I missed the place. I missed the scenery and the car hand bike handling. I missed cruising along a road trying to stay with EMW. I missed "it's not a race, (IT'S A RACE)" when getting merchandise back to the we farm. Was mucho chuckles and will try and be on again next Sunday.

Garage Rebuild Information

Please ignore this for now. Wanting to use it to give info to builders/architects.

Rob and Kate Lang are looking for an architect to design and project manage:

  1. Rebuild of the garage into a home office.
  2. Use the roof of home office as a roof garden.
  3. A lean-to or conservatory in the alleyway at the back of the house.
  4. Replace the fence adjoining us and #8 (our fence)
  5. .


Fancied writing down a sort of diary type malarkey, so here it goes.


Ah bruv, she's gorgeous.

said an early 20s Asian gentleman in Mr Cod when I was picking up chips the other night. Naomi was in a sling, a sort of chest rucksack where the baby faces the same direction as you, turning me into a Power Loader from Aliens. I thanked him and gave credit to Kate.

MC - I see you, EMW. I see you.

So I needed to pop back to Outcrop Cottage to pick up some decorative resources I needed for the Vertislum. When I was building the Outcrop Cottage, it was in the middle of the Lack-Of rail project and although I needed somewhere safe to sleep I felt like I couldn't mess too much with the surrounding landscape else I'd start smoothing off all the map error discontinuities and that's how time disappears.

2017 Things I'd like to do

Like resolutions but with a firm admittance that I'm not really in the business of tracking my own progress on anything. I can only do what I can. So these are all things I would like to do, some are personal, some are for the family. I want to do more socialising but at the moment it's so hard to plan or think about what that might take. I'd love to get back into roleplaying face to face. I do like Roll20 but it doesn't beat face to face.

Postcards from Minecraft Lackofia

Having a holiday and paternity leave has been good for bits and bobs projects. It's all about making life a little easier when moving around inside the wall. I've taken to keeping an in-game log of what needs to be moved where using a book and quill. For each location I write what it needs and before I travel there, I check the book. If I see something that needs fixing then I add it to the book. To be honest, writing it down in the first place has helped me remember.