This is how it starts: EMW scans for jobs (before getting changed into his day wear) and Big R hits the drinks cabinet while I look unreasonably peeved with the whole thing.
While listening to WHAM! on his ear candy, EMW (without trousers) hands over what he believes to be a stash of narcotics but it actually the villain's dirty laundry.
This is what happens when you let the boss drive your car: the front comes off. All of it. Poor Big R, his pride and joy mashed so much.
At least he was in it that time.
Sometime after everyone else left Byrnie finished the tutorial and we were then able to run the tutorial heist game together which went ... fine.
It was pretty fun we has three sections to do 1) case the place 2) steal an armored sports car 3) break into a bank drill out a safety deposit box then escape by helicopter.
The escape by helicopter involved being grabbed from the road by cargo copter which was somewhat nerve raking
Then we celebrated in a bar we hauled in 168k (115k from the job the rest in first heist bonus) and then we were both shot by another player in a driveby outside the bar.
So hopefully that unlocks the 4 player heists we can have a go on next time.
Oh I also discovered where that missing 250k went I had the ceo menu open and it must have hit rename company which renamed it to the same thing and costs 250k so that's an annoying waste of money
I then spent the rest of the day messing about with this
That's seven minutes of superb! I laughed and laughed. I want to make my own now. Some of the camera angles are inspired: when you're having a freeway shootout with the cops and you sit the camera where the cop fell; when you're in the van, spin out and the camera pauses looking at the cargo and the bit where you get drunk made me laugh quite hard.
I also find your cockney-west-country-Berkshire accent hilarious.
It's interesting how much you can do in the ingame editing thing the only part I had to do externally was the voice over and the end credits and I probably could have done those in the editor if I'd thought about it
I noticed in that first picture that under the desk is a layer of cash stacked up.
I do like how the office changes in response to your various actions
It's those little touches that make GTA so immersive.
Oh I also got a new outfit that I think will improve on the current one significantly
Well I'm terrified :P
had an interesting evening in tonight found myself in a three player lobby so decided to make some sales and risked going for 7 in one go. Got the truck one where you have to drive to multiple points and drop off goods at each one, was going fine for the first 4/5 on the last one it changed things up with some cops and when driving a massive armoured truck evading police isn't easy. In my attempt to escape I got the thing stuck and couldn't get it free so that triggered an auto failure and I lost all 7 crates.
I switched to doing missions after that fiasco and made some money found a lot of missions solo are not very cost effective they end up taking a long time and costing a huge amount in ammo that wipes out the profits for a while I was not really making any progress then I found a few good missions that were fairly ammo efficient and I got a good stack of cash. I earned enough with the money I already had from the weekend to make a few investments. I purchased an armoured Kuruma (we've been chased by people in this thing before it just shrugs off most attacks) in fetching red which set me back a pretty penny but I think it will pay for itself. It's fast and bulletproof I then used it to do a mission where a huge number of cops have to be taken care of. I sat comfortably in my car taking them down with smg and then briefly poped out to grab the objective then streaked off into the sunset. It's awesome and it seats 4.
I also bought something a lot cheaper which I think will be a good ferrying vehicle it's a nice big van I customised it even has our logo on it it's also a great colour :D
I now have almost no money again :S
Superb! I'd love to try driving that armoured Kuruma. It's a neat looking car. Sorry to lost all 7 crates, it's good to know for the future tho that even on a quiet instance we'll need some boys together to do the run.
By the looks of it, the Kurma unlocks once you have done the first heist, so it would be handy if we could work out a rota to get us all through it ... because that car clearly rocks.
I think me and you should do it one evening mate. We'll talk about it tonight.
I doubt you'll have much trouble with the first heist - admittedly we did it on normal, but given I was driving...
Yes there wasn't much left of even the armoured kuruma at the end of that :P
To do initiate the heists you just need a high end apartment with a planning room the cheapest is 200k and the same one I've got del puro heights across the road from the lack of office you can save 5k on that if you go with the 17th floor I think I did 20th not that it really makes a difference except in terms of view. Then all you do is talk to lester he will then later give you a call to come to his factory more cut scenes and then you can initiate the tutorial 2 person heist.
Gave the Kuruma a proper breaking in tonight last night I got it at the end of my time and only tried it on the one mission. I also discovered as a CEO I can initiate vip missions and you can run those on invite only servers for something like 25k a go some of them being very easy and others still pretty easy with the right tools. The downside is there is a cool down on these missions but if you keep cycling the types you do it's only something like 5 minutes so a quick normal mission or some selling cars or some mucking about and you're ready for the next mission. The Kuruma was perfect for some of these I can just drive in blast away with the smg kill everyone step out pick up an objective pop back in and off you go and it's tough as nails. You can just ignore any cop persuit.
I did manage to destroy it once doing a mission called the Los Santos Connection a pretty hard one but this was near the end and after it had been taking hits at several locations and some driving related misahaps. That mission was pretty hard I got 14k for it when I failed so probably pays pretty well if you succeed.
Blew almost all my cash on upgrading the Kuruma with better engine brakes suspension a spiffy metallic paint then I made back about 150k after a few vip missions and some normal stuff. It was a nice and chill session noone else to put bounty's on me of fuck things up I can just take care of computer enemies and also since the vip missions are just in situe no load times. It means you can't do the new crate missions but it was good for a bit of quiet grinding.
Interesting I was watching a video on the various armoured cars in the game Kuruma while it is almost completely bullet proof is not at all explosive resistant while some of theother armoured cars will take something liek 10 shots to the windows before they shatter they will alos withstand 1 rpg or stickbomb where as the kuruma just explodes.
found this little moneymaking tip you can sell certain cars for money but usually not for much but there is a trick where you wait till a certain time 9pm and then drive round a block near the epsylon tower and then a specially upgraded car spawns you can grab then sell for something like 15k not much and you can only do it once per game day but this plus doing the missions adds up. I filled a garage full f these cars so that I can just grab one when I'm between missions sell it and be onb my way. With the 4m cool down on vip missions this is often usefull to pass the time
The cars are pretty nice too in blue and yellow unique paint
herest the how to
Had a profitable evening made something like 200K although again a lot of money lost on ammo for some of those missions. Lot of fun to play but not very cost effective when you are earning 10k but spending 5k on ammo. Picked up a few more cars to sell on these things go for about 14 to 17k so not bad even if you can only sell one every so often.
Makes the garage somewhat uniform

You can see the Kuruma on the right with the lack of crew logo I did try and fix it making that background transparent as the white square annoys me not sure if it worked as although it was transparent in the editor it never seemed to switch in game. Maybe it was just taking some time and maybe I did something wrong we'll see.
The creepiest thing about your character is the blue surgical gloves.
I've done the honorable thing and given you a new profile image on L-O. :)
When I get a chance (which might be next week), I'll give the driving around the block trick a go. I must admit that I don't really have time to grind in GTA V, so I always want to have fun - even if it is messing around. I'm desperate for the little Buzzard Attack Chopper at $1,750,000 but I don't mind saving for it. I like that when I bank that $6000 or $24,000 for completing a job that I have moved a little closer to my self-set goal. I've maxed out my Vigero for my level, so there's no danger of me frittering it away on that.
Last night I got an hour with a bunch of guys at level 200+. It was good fun, their text chat was hilarious when we were en route and I really enjoyed it.
The CEO called Zoonzzz had a bunch of helicopters (I think all of them) and the heavy lift Chinook was great for "take van across town" missions. He tried to lift the lorry container but that kept falling off. I got a fair amount of time in his buzzard and it was superb being in the second seat with the rockets. It takes a fair amount of skill to lead a moving target from high up. We did the "assasinate targets" mission too, which was very easy in the Buzzard.
You'd be hard pushed to make a creepier looking sex offender in GTAV!
I could have gone for white surgical gloves but I though no blue is creepyier
Yeah a buzzard would be cool half the "easy money" mission guides rely on the buzzard I guess it's basically free ammo and enormous firepower makes the more attacky missions a piece of cake. Had a taste of that playing the los santos connection there are a couple of buzzards just sitting there in the final section of the mission. Just drive up climb in switch to homing rockets and jobs a good un.
Supposedly the big money is in the heists you can make 12million according to one guide I saw if you do them all. Plus they are quite fun to do if the tutorial one is anything to go by. Now we have the crew and have the 4 person ones unlocked we can give them a go at some point.
I changed the logo again (changed the internal colour to the crew colour) partly so I could tell which one was the transparent background hopefully this time it will stick
I got annoyed trying to get rid of the background and made a different logo instead still has that damn square tho
made the square look deliberate since it's impossible to get rid of
Had a pretty successful evening in the logo thing is annoying it seems not to update very well so the logo is some older version not the one I selected
had a bit of luck when a public lobby I was in emptied flipped 10 crates for a 140k
I got exceeding lucky with a random job and ended up in a heist where a 300+ character was running with 2 100+ friends and carried my lvl 24 backside through it for a 20% cut; easiest $250k + $100 first run bonus I ever got (not to mention to two set up missions I did with them before that, both netting me 25k a time). Although I only have $300k left after going a little crazy with a few Independence day items. Those runs did prove to me the absolute value of the Kuruma.
Indeed Kuruma is a game changer :D
Lester is talking EMW (left) and I (right) aren't listening in the slightest. Worse, we're talking over him.

We inconspicuously wait for the job to begin. Just a couple of peeps hanging around on a street corner uptown. As you do.

After hammering a bank, we chug back a cold one at a bar. There clearly didn't have the Pouille Fuisse that I asked for.

And here we are cruising in my V. I've not quite managed to get the hang of taking good screenies with the movie editor.

I show my appreciation for the lift in Rob's motor

After Rob left for the night I tried a couple of heists which pretty much all ended in failure. The last one was the worse we were doing the prison heist we'd failed 2 time previously and then on that third time lucky we were almost there we just had to parachute down to the beach and that was it 100k each. the pilot doesn't open his parachute instead impacting the ground at terminal velocity and so mission failure for all the rest of us. Pretty frustrating.
The Boss's car is completely bullet proof. While waiting for the Boss to deliver us to the goal, BiggerRob and Brainwipe point guns at each other in the back.

The Boss, while dressed as a policeman, decides to show his proper respect for the law.

EVADE THE PERSUING JETS! Is evading like flying in formation?

Wish I'd seen Billy The Intern before last night. What a nice chap. :)
Played a couple of rounds of powerplay which is double rp double money got in one on one with this level 5 guy who I beat so hard he was wearing his arse as a hat by the end of things. I felt a little bad for him. Anyway I ended up with 79k for only two winning rounds and a bucket load of rp the interesting thing is the loosing pay out is something like 10k a round doubled at the end so mr arsehat must have gotten a good 40k for losing.
I'm not sure if this runs to the weekend but still might be a laugh to play and monetarily good too
In honor of these latest additions from Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, we've also got a week's worth of bonuses, starting today with a Double GTA$ & RP Playlist featuring the three newest Power Play locales that runs through July 8th. Then just in time for the weekend, mix it up with a new Double GTA$ & RP Playlist that includes a pair of Power Play maps (Aircraft Carrier and Bolingbroke Prison) along with a Trading Places skirmish at Redwood Lights Track for good measure."
It seems to say it ends on friday, but then that there will be something similar for the weekend but without an end date stated; this was only posted about 2 days ago.
As a side note, I think the savage helicopter is 50% off atm, I very much want this ans might buy some cash to get it. To unlock it you have to do the 4th heist, so realistically we probablyt can't unlock it in time, but I thought I would mention it either way. YouTube Savage video
You might get lucky and find someone running series A in public and be able to join it to get the unlock
savage vs buzzard
That video ends very much as you described your first attempt.
Seems really difficult to get players on power play double money play I managed to get one person although they completely destroyed me they were some how able to headshot me from across the map one hit kill when I could blast away for ages hitting them for no obvious effect. Still I got 50K out of 3 matches. Spent the rest of the evening doing vip missions in an invite only lobby they're easy money earned 250k
getting close to that buzzard couple more evenings and I'll be able to get it.
I just got to 1.75 million and picked up the buzzard pretty fun did a head hunter mission to try it out.
There is also a new double money power play and trading places playlist which I had a go on made a bit of cash the buzzard that way.
I just noticed that shark cards are half price today only on Amazon (for Prime members) ... if you have ever considered that sort of thing it may be a good time to make a decision.
It's cool but I like saving up! I'm at nearly 800k now. :) 3.5M for £17 was very tempting tho.
I see cunning stunts has just gone live since I'm not really a fan of the racing it doesn't add all that much I'm interested in
Been having a bit of a break from GTA as I played it an awful lot to get to the 1.75 mil for the buzzard might switch to redoing the single player for a bit since the director mode is partially dependent on that for vehicles such.
I resisted the urge to buy some cash, although I could really use a million or two so I can buy an office and start running VIP missions to slowly fund my warehouses etc ...
I am currently up to about $300k, I played a few hours last night but only amassed about $150k, 50k of which went on a few more car upgrades; which isn't a particularly good rate of return on my time.
I am quite looking forward to Cunning Stunts. Mostly because it's not really racing - it's more, well, mental. Mental chucking yourself around the city. A bit like it was when we were doing the countryside based one where you have to drive off a mountain.
For me doing the heists with you guys is maximum fun. I enjoyed the hitman-job where it all went Pete-Tong on the motorway and we took to cars to hunt them down (Team Rob FTW).
Big R - if you set up a corp, you should call it Lack-Of UK or Lack-Of RG5. If I get there, I'll be Lack-Of RG1. :)