I've been pottering around on a few little projects and some have come to fruition!
First up is the Village Station (Purple Line) that sits between St. Spawncras and Eastgate. Happily, it's about halfway inbetween! There used to be a little water garden there, which is a pity to lose but the station is much more useful.
Because I know you love a station, I've created a proper one at the Vertislum (Red line). A simple little build but needed to be done. I am part tempted to run the track out into the big space of the Vertislum at some point as it would be a much more impressive arrival!
This is another chipping-away project. The Cathedral was built over water and when I removed the water (using gravel), it left some open space at one end. I put a door in at the Under Glasslake level but it seemed a shame that there was this huge space that you couldn't use. I'm clearing it out with TNT, the gunpowder taken from the village Mob Drop 2000. It's quite good fun trying to work out the best way to use TNT at speed without blowing yourself up, or the structure, or wasting any!
The map 0,0 co-ordinates were set to here when we went to 1.8 and I had to transplant Ringwall to the south. So this became 1.8 Spawn. It was somewhat neglected (shame). I built a wall, reclaimed the desert using dirt we had stored in the UberStore and gave it a nice station. Since then it's been about using up as much cobble stored in the Uberstore as possible. The Nordcastle in the middle eats up cobble with each layer, so expect that to grow upwards!
Here's a pic of the boat house at Nordcastle. I quite like the idea of taking a boat ride from within the castle out to the north. You can even make your way down to the dam lake and up to Northdam.
Can't see the pics I'm afraid mate, the usual problem...
Thanks mate, hopefully fixed?
nope, sorry :(
I think the links fucking time out. Bastards. Right. Time to get them onto another site.
And done! Imgur won't let me down.
Nice, thanks mate! You've been busy - I should get back in at some point!