brainwipe's blog

It keeps pouring

Some say "It never rains and then it pours" to signal bad luck converging such that it is noticable. For family Lang, it's been pouring for months now and it just won't stop.

Saying goodbye to players

When not bilious, each week I send out an email offering to run a roleplaying game. It used to be Icar, recently we've been playing Cloudship Atlantis. It's pretty good fun, we have an excellent vibe. However I really need 3 players to play - 2 is just too little. Over the years players have come and gone depending on their work commitments or waning interest in play or leaving Uni.

The state of F - 13 Months

Time relativity is an odd thing. On one hand, it doesn't seem like 13 months ago that Felix landed. On the other, so much has happened in those 13 months that it feels like a lifetime. I can't quite understand why a time can seem like a long period and short period at the same time, must be something to do with relativity and context.


At the start of August, I was taken by ambulance to Norwich and Norfolk Accident and Emergency (A&E) where I was mis-diagnosed with a gastric blockage. I was advised to see my GP and get an ultrasound. When I explained the symptoms to my GP, Dr Tulley, she said "Sounds more like gallstones, you're a bit young to have them but we must get that ultrasound done".

Edgehill Street

We've been saving for ages. Saving included paying off student debts (not the loan, other debts I accrued) and actually building a deposit. About 2 years ago, the plan was to live cheaply in the inlaw's house while they were in Cambodia and then buy a house when they got back and house prices were lower.

APB, I went and bought it because Fish did. The reviewers are hammering it

I often read RPG and Bit-Tech for reviews on things. My PC is pretty much a Bit Tech build. I have been looking forward to APB (even though I couldn't get the beta to work) and am a bit shocked that the reviewers are hammering it!

Bit-Tech 4/10

RPS Comments not favourable