I often read RPG and Bit-Tech for reviews on things. My PC is pretty much a Bit Tech build. I have been looking forward to APB (even though I couldn't get the beta to work) and am a bit shocked that the reviewers are hammering it!
Bit-Tech 4/10
RPS Comments not favourable
Eurogamer 6/10
Oh dear. Anything else found?
I played the beta but it was so horrendously broken that after a while I just didn't bother. Plus it wasn't really that fun to play.
The customisation was awesome and in some cases (like say city of heroes) that is almost enough to carry the game a sort of make your own nutter simulator but it just didn't feel like it had a lot to offer as a game.
It's weird it's gone from something I felt was going to be must have to something really disappointing on playing it. In the end the beta felt a bit like a chore in that since I'd got into the closed beta I felt obliged to put some time in for the privilege but I wasn't enjoying the experience.
I had a bit of a read into it, but everything seemed to indicate that it was pretty much compulsory to play in squads, which sort of sucks.
By all means put groups as an option, but you should always allow solo play to be viable. It's one of the things Guild Wars absolutely nailed, I'm amazed more games don't do it...
Well, I gave it a play last night after a torturous setup process of account activation and emails not being sent.
Character creation
The character creation stuff is purely breathtaking. Whatever you think you know about custom character creation, this blows it away. I can actually see myself paying real money for a special pair of underpants. This really adds a lot to the game, but I'll come onto that later.
The played tutorial is a good starting point but it really does not go into enough depth about the stuff you need to know. Furthermore, it doesn't prepare you for the in-game experience - the prime thing I want for a tutorial.
Get on the right server
Make sure you friend up and go in the right world and server because you can move once in. Not really a problem. I paired up with Fish, who had played it a bit more than I.
Rather unfortunately, I started just as the criminals had been told to 'escape'. This is where the enforcers come in force to your base and you have to get out. Didn't fair too well.
First mission
Being group leader, I accepted the first mission, which was to protect an armoured van. Fish and I headed out in his sweet custom painted purple muscle car (I approve) with 'Fish' written down the side in light blue. When it first spawned, I couldn't help but laugh. He even let me drive it!
We used Steam chat window because we both had background noise and thought it unfair to pollute the VOIP with it.
We arrived at the van after some directional difficulties (Fish was lagging) and there was a solitary enforcer trying to get at it. Fish and I worked well as a team, calling him out, flanking him and making his life a misery. When he started the mission, there were two but his mate must have dropped out. Furthermore, no-one was coming to his aid.
While the mission went on, and he continually died, lots of other players would come charging through the mission area but because they're not on the mission, they can't harm you or you can't harm them. A bit odd but seemed to work. He killed me once and Fish once but because we were co-ordinating and using loose tactics, he had no chance. We won and got cash.
The chap was dressed in a red suit like a pimp. Somehow, that made it all the more enjoyable. He was a man who put effort into his pimped out outfit and we were persistently shooting him in the face. The outfit had personality. It made a difference.
Fish got a bounty on his head (for being good) and we got chased a bit before he died. I reckon we could have strung it out a bit longer but we got unlucky.
Second mission
The second mission saw us teamed up with 2 other chaps against a well-organised four. On defense again we had a series of places to defend. We were outclassed and a bit outgunned. It was more lively than the first mission but we were not successful. Still got cash for it, though. If all four of us were using voice then we probably would have taken them to the cleaners.
Addressing some of the comments from Bit tech
Because it is PVP, there will be balance issues. The poor chap in the first mission had no chance. Fish and I are seasoned FPS types that have worked together lots before and co-ordinating over voice. He didn't stand a chance. Not fair for him. My 'rank' in the game is low but my skillset is not reflected in that score so there is no way for APB to know if I am a newbie or a veteran FPS player.
The weapon imbalance was pretty clear but then the weapons aren't expensive and I imagine that after three hours of play, you'll be able to afford the snacky ones - different ones to suit your style.
I agree that the things that make it fun is the fact it's a multiplayer online game. However, I do think there is plenty of fun to be had. Tactics are emergent - like Just Cause 2 - you can't really play it like another FPS, you have to work out new things that work. In the first mission our pimp opponent tried to run us over in a lorry! Doomed to failure. You can't run someone over with a vehicle that beeps when it reverses. It might have worked with a faster car, though.
Stuff I'd like
I'd like to be able to drive cars using my XBox controller.
I'd like my 'team mates' to appear on a radar
I'd like to spawn on my team mates
When a car is empty and I am trying to get in, I want it to assume it's the driver's door I want.
It wasn't blistering fun but it was a laugh and I walked away feeling challenged, a little bewildered but certainly not like reviewers have. I think I'm going to end up thinking its brilliant. As long a I am allowed to run around in my pants and brogues, I'll be happy.