Here's an idea. Chom Isis is now set in the real world we live in. The operatives are people in suits. More accurately, people we know in suits. The pawns are... people. The only thing we're actually missing is the plush insides of a gentleman's club.
Could it be made into a film? A film we could make?
Plush insides of a gentlemans club easy just green screen it use cgi or just an image. So long as you block it out ok make an attempt to match the lighting do some colour correction etc. It's what most tv shows do, a lot of tv these days is exclusively shot on green screens for inside or outside scenes even when there really ins't any need for it. I guess it means they never have to go on location to anywhere they can just shoot everything in one place and save time and money.
Anyway I think you could make a film using the idea but how would you frame the narrative. Where would you focus the story and what sort of story would it be.
The players level, sort of rat race toff's betting on peoples lives for fun or perhaps darker more like things like the game powerful people pulling the strings. That's hard to pull off hard for people to identify with the players.
You could perhaps work this by following an new player introduced to the game gradually learning more about it perhaps masking it such that they don't quite realise it's real people they are playing with gives you a nice reveal although a fairly obvious and time tested one.
Or you could go from the pawn's perspective. You could have more of a conspiracy sort of story a pawn finds out they're a pawn and so on begins to unravel the whole thing. I've always fancied a story like that that ends in a really dark way the hero not succeeding or reaching the climax only to just be killed and the game concluded ready for the next round.
From the operatives perspective ... probably not that interesting they are essentially tools in the process.
A film to be effective would need to be self contained any aspect of the universe explainable
the idea easy to grasp from the film. It would need some story to make it worth watching. You probably want decent actors unless you are just going for the comedy value of people we know in suits mucking about.