Some say "It never rains and then it pours" to signal bad luck converging such that it is noticable. For family Lang, it's been pouring for months now and it just won't stop.
In December and January I had the flu twice with temperatures in the late 30s and then a gastric virus - making me throw up every 2 hours for 24 hours and leaving me with a fever for a week. Last week I had a tooth break. Felix has been ill on and off but not with the usual baby-gets-a-cold but instead horrid sodding throwing up (like I had), being off his food, truly foul nappies and understandable ratty misery. He's coming out the other side now (appetite certainly has returned) but he doesn't sleep through the night anymore.
Kate is suffering the worst. Not only has Kate been ill with nasty viruses over the past couple of months but now she has a problem with her eyes which means she gets dark bits and bright bits and sometimes it goes all fuzzy. Worse still? Yes - it might never get better. Kate's seeing the optician tomorrow, so we'll know a little more but her sister works as a trainee optician and canvassed those at her work so we're pretty sure we know the score.
Add to that some pervert breathing down the phone on Saturday night (justified paranoia caused by a certified ex), falling down the steps out the back, her siatica-shoulder-back pain trouble coming on full force and exhaustion through not sleeping much through all this and the poor love is in a bad state.
You might want to add my gallstones onto the list (admittedly resolved in October), my RPG group disintegrating and that I've 'lost' some freelance clients because I was either too slow to complete (due to sorting out all these problems) or too far away to make face-to-face visits (which they knew from the off). Our illness has meant we've not settled into a routine since we've moved in, so we end up getting take-away more often than ever before. Add that to the debt generated by all the house stuff we needed when moving in and it's all going to take a while to pay off.
We have a lot to be thankful for, we know that. Felix appears not to have any genetic faults (including gingerness) - he makes us laugh so much with his fascist-dictator-cuteness (Byrn - I need a Byrn-shortening for that), family and friends are all great and we have a superb house with a few minor foibles. I've got a new job too - which should be a million times better than the train wreck I'm stuck in for the next two weeks. My new RPG group is a superb laugh and everyone is fitting in very nicely indeed. In fact, I'm a little scared by a new Fish-Byrn-Rob(Cruse) combo. I've not have a terrifying combo like that since the Dwain-Fish-Pete combo.
It just seems a little out of balance at the moment. As Pete said "We're doing it wrong.". Yes, I agree. I'm not entirely sure what the fuck it is we've done wrong but it is SOMETHING.