When not bilious, each week I send out an email offering to run a roleplaying game. It used to be Icar, recently we've been playing Cloudship Atlantis. It's pretty good fun, we have an excellent vibe. However I really need 3 players to play - 2 is just too little. Over the years players have come and gone depending on their work commitments or waning interest in play or leaving Uni.
What fucking annoys me is when people say they're interested and suggest they're coming back in September or October, no November, yes November and then don't reply to the emails. It's a lapse on common fucking courtesy. A simple 'Not in' would have sufficed. A polite email (or text) that the other four seem to manage each week - even when work commitments suddenly bite hard.
So, I'm dropping three of my players. I don't think they'll care so much - if they did care, they'd probably put some effort into getting in touch! Goodbye Dwain, Iain P and Dave.
New players needed
And here is the problem. Now I have 4. Fish is as regular as work can possibly allow and the other three are pretty regular (Aggro has a superb 100% attendance record so far!) but I think some jolly new blood might be an excellent idea.
I will advertise on Twitter because I know there are some friends of Wallace (the Nev&Sarah et al) but I was opening up to the floor. Anyone here fancy getting into to play in Reading, every Tuesday from 7? I imagine not (not that I haven't already got) but it is a light hearted laugh and a very cheap evening with friends.
Melissa and I may be interested, but we're currently in London, should be moving back to Reading some point early next year. Melissa has some RP experience, I'm a RP virgin!
If we still have space, I'd be happy to take your cherry!
I think I've slipped too far into my roots to come back out to RP. If I can't have 40 super-doodz riding round in pimped-up tanks, and get to roll 30 dice at a time I'd feel excessively minimalist!
...and if I got all that in a RP game, I suspect it would turn into an administrational nightmare to keep track of the character sheets!
Would love to have you back Pete, even for a few tester sessions to see if you could still find fun in it.
Cheers for letting me know matey, was very nice of you to call.
Dwain - I was following the same communication method you had been using for 6 months.
The internet is not the only form of communication and email is not the only form of communication, when did we stop talking to one and other?
You want me to phone everyone each week to arrange a game that is scheduled weekly? Really?
Would have been nice if you'd called me before kicking me out of the group rather then announcing it here.
True. It would. A courtesy I could have extended.
Would have been nice if you sent an email, text, phone call, carrier pigeon a little more often so we weren't left wondering on a Tuesday morning whether the game I'd spent ages preparing was going ahead - whether we'd had enough players. Information fucking blackout was your modus operandi and made me feel like all the fucking work I was doing was for nothing. Like you didn't give a single shit.
You kicked yourself out of the game by not turning up and not answering a regular email. Why do you care? If you cared - if you wanted to play, you would have come, you didn't, so what's the matter?