Update 4: Now on the mend but not 100%. Nevertheless, we're going to be ready to move on Saturday 23rd of October. I've modified the list below because my in-laws have kindly moved a load of stuff to the house already. We're pretty well organised (having had weeks to prepare and think about stuff).
Update 3:Writing this from my hospital bed. I have been told that my operation will be this week and will take me at least a week to recover. When will I move? Dunno. My inlaws have already moved a load of stuff out - leaving only essentials and stuff we've not sorted yet. I have no idea when I will be strong enough to mastermind the move and staying put means Kate gets some help with Felix. When we can definitely say I am better, I will post again. For now, thanks to everyone for your support and sorry for buggering you about.
Update 2:So, I went back to sodding hospital and pancreatitis and now I'm exhausted and weak. More than normal. As an upshot, I'm in no state to be masterminding a big house move. Sorry about this chaps. As before, I am going to have to put the date back again - thank you to those that have stuck with it and thank you if you are still in. To make life easier, please comment here with 2/10 at the start of your comment if you can help. Thank you!
Update:Chaps! I've just got back home and am tapping this out on Kate's little netbook. Our completion date got moved while I was in hospital. We're now completing (getting the keys) on the 20th, which means the main moving date will now be Sat 25th September. If this now conflicts and some of you chaps have to renege on your previous commitment then I fully understand. Sorry for messing you peeps around and thanks for your kind offers!
Chaps! I'd like to call upon any spare hands that can help Kate and I move house on Saturday 23rd October. We are moving from Lower Earley a whole 2 miles to 10 Edgehill Street (near Byrn/Aggro/Gainesy). It's more the merrier, although most will be required at Edgehill - allow me to elaborate:
The aim
To move everything that we need to live. This includes big stuff and some smaller things.
Everyone will be split into three teams.
Team Earley will be based in Lower Earley where they will load the van. This team will be lead by Kate and will include members of her family (her brother). We might need one more member at team Earley to help with the lifting. I think this might be my other brother-in-law as my skin-and-blister is talking about trying to join in.
Team Wheels will be based in 'the van', which I will pick up on the day. This only needs to be two people, one to drive and the other to act as banksman for reversing etc. My father-in-law will drive and I'll act as banksman.
Team Edgehill will be based in 10 Edgehill Street. They will be responsible for ensuring the boxes go in the right place. Everything is labelled. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.
Preliminary Timings
This "plan" is more of a list of things I know need to go in the van. Everything else fitted in the Yaris and has been moved piecemeal.
08:00 Dismantle bed (Felix wakes us up at about 6:30)
09:00 Pick up van.
10:00: Team Edgehill arrive at 10 Edgehill St.
First wave arrive Edgehill: Bed, Bedside cabinets, Felix's changing table, Felix's clothes.
After the van has left to go back to Earley, there will be some more box lugging/sorting to do as not everything that has gone so far has ended up in the right room. Everything will be post-it labelled so that its easy to tell what goes where.
Second wave: Other bedroom furniture (chest of drawers?). Tumble drier.
Third wave: My computer desk. "Really useful boxes". Felix's toys. Felix's clothes. Felix's cot and changing table.
XX:XX Take van back (time depends on where I hire from).
18:00: Teams congregate on Edgehill. Pizza and drinkies.
- Edgehill is a narrow street, so unpacking will initially be done into the downstairs living room, the different items can then be dispersed. Everything is labelled.
- While the van is away at the other location, teams are invited to chillax wherever they are.
- For anyone fancying an overnight stay in Reading, I can't offer any accomodation as yet. Someone else might be able to.
We learnt a lot from previous house moves and everything will either be an item carried by itself or in a box.
Thanks in advance to anyone that can help in any way!
Available for hire, reasonable rates. Can't drive but can arrange own transport, so best put to use at one end or the other.
Gill has volunteered also. She can drive, and is less heavy lifting, but more making stuff organised.
Wonderful, glad to have you onboard. We have a large garage we can lock your bike up in - in either location. I imagine most people will be needed in Edgehill.
Gill might be more useful giving Kate a hand wrangling Felix. Having a set of hands/eyes to cuddle/watch the little demon will be really handy.
I'm in mate, wherever would be most useful. Can drive, not had any practice with vans, but I hear most road signs can be bent back if you have a socket set on board... (theoretically, of course)
I'm good for heavy lifting, especially as I don't see the Tyrannovision Rex on the list ;)
Gill and myself are still onboard...
Still in mate :)
2/10 - I can still make that date, however I believe Gill is up in Leeds that weekend. That's not an issue for me, as I am self-mobile...
Splendid! Thank you for your support, old chap.
No probs...just stop being ill, as if you move it to the weekend after I'm actually busy for once!
2/10 - I'm still in. You won't shake me that easily ;)
Righty-ho. Let us know when you can...if you would be good enough to sort out your ongoing malady around my hectic social life, you can be assured that if I can, I shall be ready for lifting and hurling of various objects (cats are my speciality).
I'm afraid thats a weekend I can't help out on...running a 40k tourney all weekend. Very sorry :-(
I'm in mate.
I'm at a larp event, sorry Rob.
We have one!
By continually putting this off until after Rob and Sian's wedding you've managed to find a weekend I can help with. Well done! :)
Thank you, sir! Glad to have a second. :)
Aggro and Byrn will form the core of the Edgehill team. I'm trying to source 2 more.
+1 Chris "Potter" Tingley.
+1 Gasson.
-1 Chris Tingley