
Goal Achieved

So, sometime last year I decided to get back into cycling ... or at the very least start using my bike again in some meaningful way. To this end I decided to set myself a little target to strive for; given I have been doing 9 mile rides fairly regularly earlier in the year, I set my sights on a ~20mile ride to from near my house to Chichester Marina (and back I.e.

2014 Update

So, I made some resolutions. Let's see how I'm getting on.


  • Arrange weekend activities to do with Felix as he's old enough to do cool stuff (we have a list now) - DONE! He's had Chicken Pox, so we've been broken for the last three weekends.
  • Buy a tag along bike extension (spring) - This month

Well, bloody hell if Planetside 2 isn't getter better!

SOE don't hold back from fucking about with Planetside 2! They really do get stuck in with both feet and I think it is keeping the game fresh for me. Many of the tweaks are small and welcome (balance, weapons), some I don't give a monkeys about but loads of people seem to buy them (hats, camo, model mods for vehicles) but some are big and my god, are they good.


Thought I’d join in on the resolving:

1.       Lose that last bit of weight.  Not far off where I want to be now, but took a break for the holidays and slipped back a little.  I’m back on it now, I’m hoping this should be sorted well before year end ;)

New Years Resolutions

In a conversation with Byrnie and Rob about a year ago, I set myself a number of new year resolutions. Some were about getting back into shape, however some were about sorting out the fact that my taste in music stopped evolving in about 2002, and I had pretty much stopped discovering and listnening to new bands. Also, I was in a bit of a rut with reading too...tending to read the same authors.