
Gaming Sun 16th

So, it's gaming Sunday coming up again. Any games people fancy the look of? Happy to give a F2P a shot, sadly didn't get onto Steam this week to have a look for one.

PS2 is an interesting fallback but I thought of another idea...

Minecraft race for horses.
The aim: go south from Ringwall with only a saddle. Get a horse, bring it back to the stables. First one wins. If you die and lose the saddle, you've got to go to the stables. Prize: kudos!

I have 2 spare Defence Grid 2 Steam Keys

The Defence Grid 2 Kickstarter has just finished, and apparently I qualified for 3 Steam Keys! I quite clearly only need one.

DG2 is a classic tower defence game, though this one has a couple of muliplayer options. If you like tower defence, you'll like DG2. If you don't like tower defence, this probably won't change your mind.

So, speak up if you would like a key...

PAX Prime Approaching

Tomorrow evening I fly out to Seattle for Pax Prime and I'm really looking forward to it. Last year byrnie and myself attended PAX prime then flew to newzealand which was astonishingly tiring PAX by itself can be quite overwhelming add 13hr flight and crossing the dateline so you lose a day and it's not fun. We has planned for it and spent our first day in Auckland draining countless cups of coffee and generally looking bewildered at the time shift.

My second run, I didn't die this time

I set myself a simple goal. Run for ten minutes in one direction, turn around, come back. Run all the way. Don't die. I used Runkeeper to tell me when I hit 5/10/15 minutes.

I did 19:05 min, ran 1.85 miles and feel like I could go a lot further. I am now drinking shit tonnes of water.

Next run Thursday night. I just want to repeat it on that one.

I need some tunes recommendations along the Celldweller/Fear Factory/Bassment Jaxx lines... Pete? ;-)