
Study n Junk

After almost 6 years of hard slog the end is officially in sight for my undergrad. By (read 'on') the 6th of June my final paper will be handed in and shortly after I shall discover my final grade... I'm pretty much nailed on for a 2:1 at this point, with a 1st still being a realistic possibility (if I maintain my current grades for the rest of this module then I should get it).

Rob and Rob's Horse Adventure Part 1

Last night, Big Rob (shame2lose) and I went on a dangerous hunt for naturally spawning horses. Armed with stone tools, saddles, food, torches, him with a sword and me with a bow, we struck out for not-yet-generated distant lands to find horses. We had huge issues with Ping. I watched the server, it wasn't under silly load and I tried a reset or two.

Dunedin Day 3 19/7/13

We started early, we had the car till 5pm but decided to drop it first so we had the rest of the day. The airport is about a half an hours drive away we drove over filled up at a little petrol station where the owner regaled us with details of the americas cup progress among other things.

Wellington Day 1 9/9/13

We had a leisurely start and got up ready to get some food we also marveled at the view as it was a very nice bright day and out hotel window afforded some spectacular views of the city. After some fortifying coffee we headed out for a walk along the main road in search of some food.