tldr; Some utter fail but other things in track. It's come to my attention that some of my goals rely heavily on others and there is nothing I can do to fix that!
- Arrange weekend activities to do with Felix as he's old enough to do cool stuff (we have a list now) - We're doing pretty well with this, done lots of walks, train trip to Oxford, Beaulieu etc. We're restricted by budget during the summer but going OK.
- Buy a tag along bike extension (spring) - Bought. Felix is too small for it.
Ride to Aldermaston with the tag along (spring)- Felix is too small for it. We've done some rides in his old bike seat, which is still OK for now.Scotland Holiday (summer, not confirmed yet, need to talk to some peeps)Mrs wants to get on a plane - this is our last chance of holidaying during school time.No money to get on a plane, so we had a staycation this year and spent time a local attractions!
- See chums once a week, every week even if we're not roleplaying - This started well but has been difficult because work is heating up.
- Organise at least one party - Not yet
- Organise a camping trip - Done - with Felix - Felix loved it. Now to find a spare weekend to go with others. I hope to do a family one at the end of July. Friends one is looking like August.
- Get Icar into print on demand (this is more about reminding/coaxing proof readers rather than a lot of writing) - I'm ready to accept the feedback but Mrs isn't really interested in proof reading, so isn't doing it. Looks like I might have to save for a paid proof reader.
- Finish Icar novel - 50k words, on track
- Finish Icar fleet setting (30%) - Still 40%
- Write at least 200 words a day - Mostly Still got a buffer but it's been difficult with work getting more intense.
Do NaNoWriMo (November)More likely to take part in Aethercon, an online RPG convention.Back to weekly blogging on FRPGBHave done a few.- Read 4 books
- Read: Catch 22, Game of Throne, Life of Pi, currently on The Odyssey. Looks good to complete.
- Update lack of to drupal v7, 90%
- Get Harness refactored and have more blocks
Save up for Occulus RiftEarly adopter will be too expensive, will wait for the tech to bed down.
- Complete all outstanding MC projects, not start new ones - Uberstore now at 40%. I need iron!
- Put in a regular show at Planetside 2 (it's a much better game now) - Work has shot this one a bit, am too tired in the evenings to enjoy that sort of gaming, have been dropping in now and again, tho.
- Clear rest of debt (should be doable with current budget) - On track to get all gone by Oct.
- Secure pay rise
and (hopefully) promotion- Done
Fitness - Utter fail, all this to do
- Buy a weighing scales
- Find ideal target weight
- Adjust diet to get to target weight
- Start running, aiming to do Reading half in 2015
- Run Icar regularly - Going rather well!
Have regular web chats with free RPG authorsHard to arrange.- Run an RPG over Google Hangouts - To Do