Some big finishings going on with this selection. We've got a remodelled Uberstore, a finished Vertical Slum (although I seem to have missed a roof) and finished Cloudship Atlantis. You can also see the new stables near the old villager-village, the "West Way" road that leads from St. Spawncras out to the bridge west of Ringwall and the current state of Under Glasslake. I've sneaked in a pick of Bacon Shack, which I am not sure I've posted before.
Uberstore roof remodelling
The ugliness of the old roof is gone and now it has a rag-tag-cathedral look to it. I've also connected it to the skyway, which has come in handy once or twice. All the towers have stairs, which give lovely views out across the world.
From the other side you can see the new stables right outside it and I've tidied up the side of Evil Matt's mansion and have started a new pub. Fencing off is a really neat way of protecting yourself while you build and light. It's divide and conquer and it works a treat.
Cloudship Atlantis
Buildings complete! Here's the front. I wanted all the buildings to have a purpose, but that sadly didn't work out. The grey one here is just a building without a purpose. I might think one up in the future.
And from behind.
Vertical Slum
At the very top of the Slum, you can see the nice gardens and the pub (to the left). Still needs interiors but they can wait. I'm really pleased with how it's turned out. It's much more impressive from inside but you have to be in game to really feel the scale.
West Way
Didn't take as much stone as I thought, here you can see it running off into the distance (West) past St. Spawncras. It's not lit all the way (doesn't need to be).
Here's the other end by the Western Entrance to Ringwall (the bridge side). Can be pretty dangerous round this side because of the unlit hill.
Under Glasslake
This looks like many other under glasslake pictures, except the back wall has moved back a bit. On the right hand side is the North West corner of the Cathedral.
EMW's Bacon Shack
Semi-automated pig and bacon farm. Yum. Love the coloured glass especially.