Was 2014 my bitch?

With a pounding head (I've got some sort of nasty cold with a temperature and headache), it's time to look at my year... I set up a bunch of stuff to do, let's see what I wanted to achieve...

Family - Win

  • Arrange weekend activities to do with Felix as he's old enough to do cool stuff (we have a list now)
  • We did the Natural History museum, Oxford and a camping trip etc. We didn't get to LEGO Land because we felt he was still too young. That's bounced over to next year.

  • Buy a tag along bike extension (spring)
  • Done! He's still just a bit small for it.

  • Ride to Aldermaston with the tag along (spring)
  • Scotland Holiday (summer, not confirmed yet, need to talk to some peeps)

Money fucked this one, my teeth needing a lot of work. Managed to blag a cheapo family camping trip.

Chums - Fail

Started well seeing people but failed on the others. Balls.

  • See chums once a week, every week even if we're not roleplaying
  • Organise at least one party
  • Organise a camping trip


I was on track before I started studying for my application to the Big G. I feel like I succeeded in this one.

  • Get Icar into print on demand (this is more about reminding/coaxing proof readers rather than a lot of writing)
  • Failed on the that one. Mrs has not been able to proof read nearly fast enough.

  • Finish Icar novel
  • I am at 73K words and 2/3 through, which will make a 70k novel in the end.

  • Finish Icar fleet setting (30%)
  • Nope. Done a lot of rendering, though. Now at 50%.

  • Write at least 200 words a day
  • Do NaNoWriMo (November)
  • Back to weekly blogging on FRPGB
  • Read 4 books

Done! Game of Thrones, The Odyssey, Catch 22, Life of Pie

Technical - Win

Done for all of these. I was ready to buy a Rift but it became obvious that it wasn't going to be around for a while.

  • Update lack of to drupal v7, 50% complete
  • Get Harness refactored and have more blocks
  • Save up for Occulus Rift

Gaming - Win

Done these. The Vertical Slum is still going upwards but I've not started anything. The UberStore is done.

  • Complete all outstanding MC projects, not start new ones
  • Put in a regular show at Planetside 2 (it's a much better game now)


Done both of these... although work on my teeth means that it will take a few more months to finally kill off the overdraft.

  • Clear rest of debt (should be doable with current budget)
  • Secure pay rise and (hopefully) promotion



  • Buy a weighing scales
  • Find ideal target weight
  • Adjust diet to get to target weight
  • Start running, aiming to do Reading half in 2015


I ran Icar for most of the year, stopping only to apply to the Big G. I've not done the others due to the time they take.

  • Run Icar regularly
  • Have regular web chats with free RPG authors
  • Run an RPG over Google Hangouts

Things I didn't account for

A few of my teeth fell apart, so they needed to be rebuilt. I applied to the Big G, which has been an eye opener. That put a lot of things on the back burner but has been fun too.

Next year? That's another post.