
Just Cause 4

This was on my radar but then was suddenly out the other day I guess there's been so many games recently I lost track.

Anyway I had a go last night here are my thoughts.

Similar to JC3 you are on some island fighting an evil man with a private army called the black hand. They also have weather modification tech which is the new gimmick there are sand storms and massive lightning storms and tornadoes etc.

My Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. adventure

So I decided to preorder fallout 76, I'm trying not to preorder at all these days it's of limited benefit in this fully digital distribution world and it really only benefits the publisher. The only times I do now are when you get something worth having for preordering with fallout 76 you got access to the beta. Now the beta doesn't actually run very long it's currently 4 sessions the first one xbox one exclusive and then one that was yesterday and then two this weekend. Then the game goes live on the 15th of november.

Some more gamedev shenanigans

So I've not done much work on the game engine I was playing with partly due to getting stuck on some annoying bugs which were more platform or tools level of code rather than progressing any sort of game. So I decide to put that aside for a bit and try something in a premade game engine where someone else gets all that underlying code right ahead of time and I can just focus on the game parts of it.

Good Luck Pete

Pete is getting married to the wonderful Gill tomorrow.

Since we met back in 97, Pete has been the benchmark for dependable self-sufficiency. Relying on no-one and competing with everyone (most of all himself), he has consistently used guile and wit to forge his own path. He remains an inspiration, driving rationally and stoically through the worst luck without giving up or surrendering. Adopt, adapt and improve incarnate.

Divorce! (Or life, don't talk to me about life)

In advance of the wedding of the year (again gratz Pete, definitely looking forward to it), it's probably a good idea to lay out where I'm at, save having to explain it on the day.

So as it goes Jayne and I have separated. Not gonna lie, wasn't my choice and I'm a pretty good distance from happy about the whole deal. Never the less, I'm not distraught either. I get why it's gone the way it has and tbh there's not a damn thing I'd change, so there it is.

Yakuza Zero

I've been playing this recently and enjoying it. The Yakuza series is a fairly long one mostly released on playstation up to its 6th game with a multitude of spinoffs, recently they've been remastering the original games and releasing them on PS4 and PC.

Dead Cells

This is a game that has been in "Early Access" for a while, but was realeased in full early on this month...most notably (for me) on the Switch. It's been descibed a "Rogue-lite", "Metroid-vania" and "Dark Souls-esque". It's not the sort of game I normally gravitate to, however I'd seen a couple of reviews, and also some real-world gameplay footage (notably Eurogamers "Lets Play"), who tend to be on a skill/reaction level to myself.

Devlog #17 - Juice in Release 23

Still unsure if I should keep going with this. It is kind of fun but really limited. I think the next step is to add a butt-tonne of content and a questing system. I can see how that will work but it's a lot of work to do and I don't want to sink any more time if it's just not fun.

I'd appreciate some more feedback on whether some of the concerns you had on how fun it is to move the Cloudship around and shoot etc. Is it still a pain in the arse?

Download the release here.

Thanks again, chaps!