
PAX Online and 2020 the year of no Con's

So this seemed an inevitable thing Pax west has canceled the show in september with the way things are going with the current covid 19 nonsense and the general unrest since seattle where Pax West is held has a load of protests and an area where protesters have taken over police station things are currently peaceful but could always turn bad.

PS5 Event

Interesting seeing more details on this machine the fact they are making two different versions one with a disc drive one without is interesting I wonder what the price difference will be between these different sku's.

Games wise a lot of stuff and some that will be available on PC also some really weird stuff like Bug snacks (although from the octodad people so maybe thats to be expected)

Some ps5 exclusives or probable exclusives follow ups to the excellent Horizon Zero Dawn and Spiderman

Maneater: The Shark RPG

Maneater is a strange game and a bit janky in parts but there is fun to be had.

The simplest explanation is it's a vaguely open world rpg where you play as a shark you eat people fish turtles and other sharks as you eat more you grow from a baby shark to teen then adult then elder and possibly one more stage. As you get bigger you get more powerful and can attack bigger prey move faster jump higher and break various level specific gates to get at new areas.

Lego Tantive IV Build

I built this Lego Tantive IV kit earlier this month. It's one I've been debating getting for a while as I really like this kit with a nice replica of princess leia's ship from new hope both inside and outside with a little room in the middle a cockpit and a little escape pod complete with little r2 and 3po. Figured with the lock down now was the time to get this.

Great fun to build although I had one missing part a triangular bit on one of the sides hopefully lego can replace that at some point.

My Life in Games

This was going to be a bit of an amble about how various games have marked key points in my life...a bit of nostalgia brought about by playing the Final Fantasy VII Remake (a mere 21 years after playing the original), however as part of the research for that I came across something really quite fascinating.

Living in a world where you're not allowed to go outside

I expect we're all finding present times to be weird and unsettling. Generally I have as little to do with the outside as I can in normal times but it's different choosing not to go out to being required to stay inside. The fact that if I run out of something or forget something or just feel like going and getting some product there and then while I could go out for things it feels like an irresponsible and dangerous thing to do so like every one I'm just staying inside limiting my trips to shops as much as I can.

Resin Printing on the cheap

UV resin printers used to be the high end of 3d printing they had very high resolution could make prints with a variety of properties based on the resins used and could be comparable in speed to their filament/FDM counter parts. They were also expensive and messy and complicated to use. Even some of the more consumer focussed machines like the form labs form 1 were several thousand dollars to buy and the resin for the machines was much more expensive than plastic filament used in the FDM machines.