
Signs you're getting old

I've been spending a bit of time updating my media collection recently, and getting it all organised.

I'm sort of coming to the horrible conclusion that films are just sort of...getting worse? When I sort the collection I have by year I have an unbroken list from 1977 through to 2022. The first couple of years are sparse, but from 1984 onwards its incredibly hard to pick a "Movie of the Year"...and about 2010 the list gets sparse again. Is it complete coincidence that this is when the Marvel stuff was really kicking off?

2023 Hopes!

So much of my life is outside of my control. Naturally family comes first and they need me to drop everything on a regular basis. So I got a bunch of stuff that I hope to do. I wouldn't go as far as saying goals. They're listed in order of importance. Stuff near the top more likely than stuff at the bottom.


I'm over 80 now and I want to loose a bit to get into a more healthy weight. I can be disciplined about what I eat, so with the one below, this should be ok.

Cult Of The Lamb: Roguelike with Settlement Building and NPC management where you manage a cult as a lamb

Cult of the lamb is a very strange game with a somewhat twisted sense of humor and a very distinctive art style. Elements of games like Hades or Dead Cells with roguelike dungeon runs added to a settlement builder where you manage resources and cultists akin to something like Stardew or Oxygen Not Included with this very distinct paper cut out in 3d graphics like Don't Starve with cute music and sprites and this very dark sense of humor.


It's the late 90's (more specifically, I think 1999). I'm a young, naive 24-year old. I've had a couple of tattoos (once on my sternum at Uni, and one on my neck at the only tattoo parlour in Reading...Ians, near Chatham Street). I've got some piercings (my tongue, eyebrow, and one nipple (twice, brielfy...)).