
The state of the world

Roadrunners again last night, and a fairly brutal set it was too, made all the harder by the wind and rain. We were doing 4 sets of 4 x 600m, with a pace increase in each set. By the end of it my legs were tightening up nicely, and my hobble was coming on a treat.

Wii Ware Games

Nintendo have recently started doing their equivalent to xbox live arcade or playstation network which they have titled wii ware. They have of course been doing virtual console for ages or as I like to think of it selling our otherwise worthless back catalogue to people who may already own it.

Gateway Gaming

In a spectacular example of romantic gestures I've been introducing Gill to non-standard (ie not available in Woolworths) board and card games. She already has some geek crudentials (is a programmer, has completed a version of Final Fantasy, is member of a D&D group), so thought I may as well go about increasing her geek license.

Gateway Gaming

In a spectacular example of romantic gestures I've been introducing Gill to non-standard (ie not available in Woolworths) board and card games. She already has some geek crudentials (is a programmer, has completed a version of Final Fantasy, is member of a D&D group), so thought I may as well go about increasing her geek license.

Sprinting sessions

Roadrunners last night was a brutal session. After a normal warm up (gentle run for about a kilometre, and some drills) we had to do a flat-out 800m, with a target of beating the time we did 5 weeks ago. I managed 2.21, which is a whole 4 seconds off my time, so pretty chuffed with that.

Hooray for system resiliance or a lack thereof

So it turns out my company's plan for server failures is to turn the whole shebang (sp) off for a few hours... As it's already 15:30 this probably means I won't be doing anything remotely productive for the rest of the day. I'd surf the web but I imagine our internet pipe maybe a bit busy what with every member of staff simultaneously hitting the BBC site...