brainwipe's blog

Chom Isis Blog Post

I am getting stuck into that game that none of you had played before and never will (TGTNOYHPBANW). I'm writing this entry really as a public announcement such that I will bloody well get TGTNOYHPBANW up and running and into a Beta game. Please feel free to use this post as a reason to hassle me.

Good luck Pezza and Zwei

The outlaws left Lower Earley this morning to be en-route to Cambodia. Two years in Cambodia working for the VSO. They were all very excited this morning, trying to screw every last kilo out of their luggage allowance. we'll see them again in August when they return for a wedding, so it's not going to be too long. They do have a Blogger account but I can't find the damn thing at the moment.

Showcase Cinema, Reading is rubbish

A brief guide on how to cock up an otherwise wonderful evening. First, try using the Showcase Cinemas website. It's not very nice to look at but it tells you what you need to know. Try booking tickets. If you get a 500 Server error, try phoning them. If they ask why you're not using the website, don't tell them it isn't working because they'll hang up. Try phoning again.

iTunes and Me

If this is a rant then it's a rant about my own inadequacies and inability to move on. Since I got Boggy (the name of my iPod Touch), I've been using iTunes as the player, downloader and so on. Before iTunes, if I wanted music, I'd nearly always borrow it from someone, think it's good and then get the album.

Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine at the Brixton Academy 2nd November 2007

The last ever gig for Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine was at London's Brixton Academy on 2nd November 2007. As a birthday prezzie, Dwain had bought me (and himself) tickets earlier in the year. Why have I left it nearly two months to write this up? To make a clear headed comment on the gig. But even now, it's not going to happen.