I get up to a lot. One weekend in three, I pop up to Henlow and go flying (when I say Henlow, I mean RAF Henlow, not Baron's house. His house is really cool but I think I'd be using hyperbole to suggest you could take off in it). The weekends I don't do that, chances are I'm going to end up driving to a family gathering. Alternatively, my weekend would be taken up with doing other tasks that aren't large in themselves but seem to take forever.
Not this weekend. This weekend, Kate is going to be in the library so I have a chance to do what I want. All weekend.
It's rarer than rocking horse shit or a sincere politician.
So, this weekend I'm going to do some AI programming for an academic project I'm doing and also a load of 3D stuff - the equipment index for
How about some icartoon ;)
In the end, I spent most of the weekend fighting with the C programming language - bereft of reasonable debugging tools. I did do some Icar stuff (must do more on the cartoon, I think) but it was moving towards completing one of the books, rather than anything else.