babychaos's blog

The alluring whiff of gloss paint

As you may or may not know, I had the last week off work. I promised myself that I'd spend a few days bumming around and generally recharging my batteries, and then get to work on finishing off the games room (or second bedroom as probably everyone else would refer to it). After a few days of frenzied (well, moderate) activity the decorating part of it is done, much to my relief.

The CockGoblin Awards

I'd like to dedicate this post to all the fucktards out there. A proper idiot, one with a true lack of class that puts them head and shoulder below the rest of humanity, has a completely misplaced pride in their in-eptitude and stupidity. They go beyond mere ignorance, and off into the realms of vanity in stupidity. The internet was invented for such people.

Pete on Board

First job is to start tweaking all the settings as we did on the test site. I'll use this post, and the comments herewithin to track what I've done, to give someone else a hope in hell of fixing anything I screw up.