Falling to Pieces

After almost a year of getting away with being injury-free I've managed to go through a series of issues in the last couple of weeks...
After almost a year of getting away with being injury-free I've managed to go through a series of issues in the last couple of weeks...
I might have purchased an xBox at the weekend. Possibly. With Fable 2. Perhaps. It might even be the Elite model... (well, I have a dirty great full HD TV, I needed something to use those bloody HDMI connectors on the back...and now FFXIII is coming out for it...)
It's been a busy few weeks. As I mentioned last time I've been arranging to get my bathroom done. I got in the same chaps who did the garden, and arranged that they would start while I was off on holiday with Gill to Devon.
The next phase in doing up the house, and probably the most expensive one, is the bathroom. Over summer I went round a couple of places, and was given quotes in the ballpark of £6,000 to refit the place (which , given that the room is 4 square metres, can be considered a lot of money).
OK, not quite running, but its all linked I suppose.
As you probably know, I blagged a long weekend in Spain a fortnight ago. A good amount of that was spent by the pool at the resort, and splashing about. It made me realise 2 things;
Things have been occurring, and I've not really been keeping track of them. This will be a bit of an attempt to cover the majority of them...it will probably fail.
First off, La Manga. As my previous post pointed out the weather was fantastic. The whole weekend went rather well really, and I fully recommend all-expenses paid holidays to everyone! Some highlights;
It was announced yesterday that August was basically a bit of a shitty month overall...frankly we were lucky to get the barbecue in there at all. Summer in general this year has been a bit of a let down, and now we are in Autumn its only going to get worse!
Roadrunners has turned a bit brutal in the last couple of weeks... As we move into autumn the distance we are doing is going up, as apparently races over the winter months tend to be longer. We've been handed into the care of a new trainer, who apparently does over 100 miles running a week! At the moment I'm impressed if I clock up over 20 by comparison...
OK, the modern Paentathlon is possibly the most inspired event at the olympics!.
Lets take a bunch of people who have probably never even seen a horse before, pair them up randomly with a feisty equine, and then make them showjump. the end result...?