
A random concept for Christmas?

The ugly head of Christmas presents reared it's ugly head this weekend. I'm crap at them...'nuff said. I rarely, if ever, buy things for friends, mainly as the friends I have buy themselves everything they could ever need (and I'm looking at everyone here as part of that). Your ideal present is something uniquely tailored to the person, which is nigh impossible.

Thank you United States of America

For a while there, I thought we might have to invade but it seems like you've managed to choose a good head of state. Obama now has an uphill struggle against the horrid mess that the poisoned chimp has left in his wake.

At least Obama is a good man with a forward thinking approach to politics and the world. Well done United States of America, you've not fucked it up this time!

Bad dreams and Presidential Joys

Well, at 2:45 and with Obama at the 200 mark (70 to pass the post), I'm very tempted to crash and let history forge a path of it's own. SO, on the assumption that something has to go wrong I wonder if the news story I wake up to will be one of the following:

McCain SHock win (god I will break the radio having to have Nicky Campbell informing me of that)!