Psychological Testing / Being a Dick - A Documented Experiment

Hypothesis : People will grumble and complain about stuff, yet continue to do the stuff they are complaining about, rather than spend 30 seconds resolving the issue.
Hypothesis : People will grumble and complain about stuff, yet continue to do the stuff they are complaining about, rather than spend 30 seconds resolving the issue.
I'm reasonably pleased with last years results...I had a good year. My plan for next year is to build on that. I'm going to be a bit more focused, as I have 2 quite time-consuming activities to work on...
I, along with probably half the known world, got the "Reserve your Windows 10 upgrade" task bar icon last night.
So, scored fairly averagely last year. Time to step up and see if I can do any better in 2015.
I've already agreed some targets with my coach for 2015.
At the beginning of this year, I set myself 8 goals to aim to the dread time of Christmas rapidly approaches, time to look back and see how I've done.
The Defence Grid 2 Kickstarter has just finished, and apparently I qualified for 3 Steam Keys! I quite clearly only need one.
DG2 is a classic tower defence game, though this one has a couple of muliplayer options. If you like tower defence, you'll like DG2. If you don't like tower defence, this probably won't change your mind.
So, speak up if you would like a key...
2 of my goals this year were event-specific targets.
Time for another update on my New Years Resolutions, as I've gone through a few more deadlines!
Shamelessly stealing Rob's post (which is a great idea...), a quick review of the resolutions to date this year