Couple of games I've been playing

Starr Mazer DSP
A side scrolling bullet hell game with some nice little touches.
Starr Mazer DSP
A side scrolling bullet hell game with some nice little touches.
Been looking for a small quad brushless quad for a while more power than a tiny whoop with proper brushless motors something like 2s power but still small and safe enough I feel happy flying it inside and around people.
There used to be a nice quiet area near the old office where I could get some flight time in but it's now pretty far away and also on the property of another company. So I've been keeping a look out. \
I picked up this early access game called Kenshi which I had seen floating around a single player sandbox rpg survival game. Rockpapershotgun did a thing on it and it intrigued me so I gave it a go and found it a combination of compelling and frustrating.
It's one of these open ended affairs where you can do a lot of things and like those games it suffers from throwing you in the deep end. It has some ingame tutorials but they often miss out whole swathes of information.
I really enjoyed the original mass effect trilogy they were nowhere near perfect the combat in me1 was bollocks the companion ai a bit janky and of course the three coloured ending of me3 made people lose their minds I forget what else was wrong with them it's been a while me:2 was basically the high point.
ME:A is a new game set in the same universe as me1-3 but set in the Andromeda galaxy and with all new characters and new storyline.
Couple of new things I've been playing
Nintendo Switch
The big N's new console the portable and home console that totally isn't a 3ds replacement and won't lead to that thing getting no more games.
Dead Rising 4
People who have played DR1 and 2 will remember a fun but incredibly hard game that tried to have loads of zombies on screen at once (somewhat hampered by the hardware of the day such that all the areas had to have loading splits) it's everything's a weapon game style, somewhat troubling photography mechanic that credited "erotic" shots, and punishingly tight timed rescue missions where you had to save a survivor then escort them to safety that at higher levels clashed so it was impossible to complete everything, the super tough mini boss battles.
Some more games I've played recently
Fairly standard upgrades faster a dedicated fpv camera and then micro 4/3rd 4k sensor with interchangeable lens mounts for primary cameras and it will shoot in raw mode and record direct to an onboard pcie ssd (probably m.2 by the looks of it)
It has the phantom 4 obstacle avoidance systems and now an upward looking sensor to avoid obstructions above it
better battery life faster speeds
Some games I have been playing recently and thoughts
Looks like the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
It's bloody typical that I just get my green card only to have this country slip off the deep end by electing human embodiment of the colour orange and generally terrible human being DJ Drumph as their president