
The end to an awesome campaign

Roleplaying games are fun. They are a superb social activity and idea furnaces. A clutch of like minded imagineers jointly build a story together and for each of us the epic will be remembered in our own way. As a GM, I only plant the seed of the idea, the story itself is the purview of the players. It's them that make it great.

Chom Isis 4 API thoughts

I have been investigating with different API structures (REST, XML-RPC and SOAP) as part of work and I think it's a good time to talk about the Chom 4 Application Programming Interface.

API What?

The Chom 4 API will allow other developers to easily get at data in Chom Isis and perform some actions without visiting the web page.

API Why?

Is that burning I smell?

It bloody was as well... One of my old faithful gfx cards had died a heat related death closely connected with the fan deciding that spinning is not the done thing.

Not altogether bad timing given that it was my intention to upgrade in the next month or so anyway. Not knowing much about hardware I've pretty much decided to go with a build recommended by bit-tech: