It's been a long time coming but I've finally got my sticky fingers on the Icar Elements book. The quality of the print is very high indeed. I think I need to improve the DPI on the pictures but the book itself rocks! 88 pages for £10 and then £3 postage and packing. Hurrah!
You can see on this one that my name is a bit too close to the bottom. Easy to fix.
Graphics inside are ok when they are natural or space scenes (the space scene pictured is particularly good) but when there are sharp lines, it shows up too much. Fortunately, they are renders, so it doesn't matter.
I'll be toting this around for some time to come if you want to have a look. :)
I want one.
In fact I want two one to use and one to shrink wrap.
Glad you would sir, your name's in the front of it. Once I get the graphics re-rendered I'll get it out there. I'm sure those people who've seen it would agree the fuzzy edges inside do bring it down a touch. And the example Nelson is really badly fuzzy!
One to shrink wrap? Suspicious!