I've been thinking about where we might take the next version of Lack-Of. What you're using now is really a proof of concept, a hurriedly hammered together community design with mostly stock features. However, I do like to move things on and have been thinking about the next version and what it might be like.
You're a scientist, man. Where is the evidence!? Ethics, damn you!
They aim of the next version will be to make the site to better fit how we actually use it. I've seen how we use it, I can see the statistics of what gets used most, where the activity is and I'm going to use that to make some suggestions.
Were a community, egoboy! I want a say!
I'm counting on it. Although it is likely to be me and the admin team that will do a lot of the setup, migration and testing stuff, it is our community.
It ain't broke, it don't need fixing!
That was never a reason to leave something alone.
Shouldn't you be writing Chom?
Shouldn't we all be as fit as Pete?
I am Pete!
Shouldn't you be writing Chom?
So, what's the big idea?
The first item on the agenda has to be Drupal 6. It's been released for some time now, so I think it's stable. All the modules we 'need' are there now.
Front page
The front page is the most important thing. Everyone uses it most, no stories are really read here - people click on links to then access their content. What would be really cool is to have a menu across the top and then four columns consolidating blogs/links and so on from across the net. Which brings me neatly onto...
Who cares what services you use? Flickr, Google, Twitter, Plurk, Blogger, etc. It matters not. It should all be aggregated with equal weight on the front screen. I don't really care where the content is hosted. I want to see it in one place. Here. On the front page. If you use the Lack-Of services because you can't be bothered with Blogger or your own website then you're still good. Everyone else's stuff will get equal weight.
Everything else?
Oh, all the old functionality (and the data, natch) will remain. Probably better too, because Drupal 6 has stepped on a fair way. You will still have your mySites (although use is rare statistically, it does give a home to those that have no other). Permissions will be as before but Denizen marking of items will be more obvious.
Now what?
I'm going to set up a Drupal 6 install along side this one. We'll get all the modules in there, have a good play at getting security right (should be easier this time) and then test the data migration from the live version to Lack-Of version 2. Then, we'll skin, make little icons for things that are big words and test like mad before making the switch.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas? Pet hates? Air them here or in your own blog post!
Crapnuts. It looks like drupal 6 STILL doesn't have a Content Access module. It's got forum access control and the core ACL module but not the sodding Content Access, which allows you to make blog posts Denizen only. Arse.
The 'competition' has sorted a D6 version
It looks to be fairly similar
Ooooh, nice one Mark. I hadn't seen that. We use ACL and Forum/Content at the moment. Are you using the Nodeaccess module anywhere?
I think the only thing I ended up contributing to the current design was the scrunched-up ball of paper, and the not-quite-blue colour scheme.
If its possible I'm still keen on a single "updates" front screen section, amalgamating links, forum posts and comments into a single area. As it is too much vanishes off the bottom of the screen.
the External Happenings (technical issues aside) is also most useful. It would be great to get the Image Pipe to a "per photo" level, rather than "per album" (we are only getting album cover photos down there), however not sure that is possible with the current issues with Picasa's photo-level RSS feeds.
Things I'd like to see more of;
Updates in decent screen position, and not split up
Things I'd like to see less of
The menu!
If we put the "external happenings" in the same list then Matt and me can have a competition to see whether my plurks or his weblinks can produce the most traffic! I'll be great; all other content will be lost in the cross-fire! :)
But seriously:
Things I'd like to see more of;
Updates in decent screen position, and not split up
Things I'd like to see less of
The menu!
Heartily agree.
I'm completely with you fellows. I am thinking of a four-column design with all the latest stuff given equal space. Four columns sounds mad but it's really ok. When you go to other pages, there will be just the content you're after. Lots of style options can help this, such as making the 'who's online' more compact with a comma delimited list of names, rather than a vertical list.
Pete, I'll investigate your pipe idea. I think we might be able to take a feed of all the latest images and then use another 3rd part flash thing for getting the images. It's nice to use the Pipe badge but if we can do better then we should. I agree that the stumbling block is probably picasa's feeds. Pipes is amazingly powerful, I could even generate RSS from stripping HTML if need be!
e can do the four columns without Drupal 6, so I thin that's a given. I'll set up a Lack-Of (drupal 5) copy over on chomisis.net (bad idea two try and run two sites in line) where we can play with views: a module that allows you to have a screen of just about any layout. We can play with different layout designs there: 3 column, four column etc and then move it back when we're happy. Sound like a good plan? Any better thoughts?
Drupal 6 isn't giving us that much for the moment, so we'll wait for that and I can migrate the skin when needed.
I love the fact that the community is working a treat. It's time to tweak. :)
I did have a fiddle with Pipes, and tried to use the album feed to then get through to the photo feeds for each album on the pages, but I think I mucked it up... I got back 910 results (which is about right), but no images were pulled through.
Layout - 4 columns sounds fine. It would be nice for better visibility of the Teaser section that would be displayed on the front page. The Preview Post shows it, however the layout is a bit screwey, and no-one uses the <!--break--> (several times I've gone into someones posts to clean them up a bit :-D ). With 4 columns probably want to shorten the Teaser length a bit.
If we can have slightly better control over the tags on content that would be handy. At the moment we quite literally have hundreds. If we could create a limited list then it would mean searches etc would be far more efficient. Something along the lines of categories...eg.
I suppose ideally you want a 2-level approach. Have categories for easy management (and have the list pre-defined), and then free-form keywords that are used for searches, but are not used for indexing as currently.
Hm. My only concern about 4 column is that if we have the avatar pics then it may well be a bit cramped...
Agree on the categories. Like the expanded image feed idea.
shotgun red ;-)
No, have a test site with Node Privacy By Node which is now deprecated in favor of Content Access with ACL.
Most of the new things in D6 seem to be in the background, such as dragging menu items around to create the order you want
I suspect I will end up being, well, blue?
LOL, Byrn. You HAVE to be blue.
Content Access finally has a development release: http://drupal.org/project/content_access