I went to the London Literary Festival earlier in the year mainly to see dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip, but there was another artist there that caught my eye. His name is Polar bear he a spoken word artist and is excellent.
It not something I thought I be intersted in but he's since been with Dan Sac vs Scrobious Pip as a warm up act and he is excellent. I don't know why its taken me so long to remeber to post about him but perhaps he was overshaddowed by dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip.
Check him out.
OK - I'm impressed; he's really good.
Thanks for the pointer.
Agree, he was excellent at the Le Sac Vs Pip gig. I meant to keep an eye out for him at Latitude but I failed to achieve that in a most epic manner.
I like muchly. Just had a good listen.