Last night I played in two of the most embarrassingly bad games of football that I have ever witnessed.
A week ago I was approached by a colleague and was asked if I'd be available to play a six a-side game at Rivermead against a team from marketing, unfortunately for us a lack of game-plan, determination and talent led to an epic drubbing 17-1.
I then followed this up with a training session for a Sunday league team I'm hoping to break into where I was again on the losing team, this time 11-4.
I've consoled myself that both losses were caused entirely by the other members on my teams but I can't help but feel a little ashamed at participating on the losing side in such one-sided games.
From what you say having a goalie with no ability to see must have been a bit of a hindrance.
Is it 5-a-side, or full teams?
the first game was six a-side, the second I was on a team of 6 playing against 5... so embarrassed.