My monitor had been showing some odd image discolouration so I've been considering replacing it and what with the black friday cyber monday and I guess mauve thursday I had a look what was on offer and ended up getting this bad boy
A samsung crg9 49"ultrawide curved 5120*1440 with a 32:9 aspect ratio none of that 21:9 half measures. It turned up in a box that on end was almost as tall as I was :D
It's a qled display with 120hz refresh freesync 2 and hdr1000. The pixel number on it is slightly less than a full 4k display would be and so far most games run fine at the full resolution (well except rdr2 which even on a 2080 was struggling at normal 1440p sometimes rockstar really push the limits with their pc ports).
It's massive I know 49" is middling for tv sizes these days but then you are typically sitting fairly far away from those this is right there in front of you such that when sitting at normal monitor distances it takes up almost your whole field of view which is pretty immersive.
Some things that don't actively support such a wide monitor can do odd things in their menus and the amount of screen space sometimes means hud elements are in the opposite corners of the screen which can make it hard to see things at a glance. In terms of screen real estate it's like having two 32" 1440p monitors side by side and it does support some picture in picture modes that would allow you to use it in that mode with a second source so gaming on one side of the screen windows on the other or some such.
It'll probably take a bit of getting used to and fiddling to get the most out of it but so far seems like a good option for some really great game play visuals and perhaps it's improved my rocket league play in Sunday Night gaming :S
The only real issue is having enough desk space for the thing :D
I looked at a 32:9, but couln't justify the cost...that said I couldn't go back to a normal monitor now...the benefits of an ultra-wide are too good.
I have the same issue of HUD elements in the far corners on mine, so having them another foot apart (and god knows what viewing angle) must be very hard.
What is the curvature on that? It looks pretty tight...especially in the middle, though that might just be the camera?
You were crushing it in Rocket League on Sunday. Absolutely legendary.
I think my next monitor will be ultrawide but I'd need to save for a fair amount of time before getting one.
Definitely the best reason to get one. I love it! Thanks for the pics/review.
I think if I'd had to pay full price I probably wouldn't have gone with this one as even reduced it was fairly pricey. You can get a lot cheaper options but not with the same high end feature set.
Most of the cheaper options gave you one of these things ie the resolution or the ultrawide aspect at the expense of the others so you can get a cheap 4k monitor but it won't have hdr or very good frame rate and probably no adaptive frame sync. You can get cheap ultrawides but it will be a lower resolution probably ok refresh and maybe adaptive frame sync but no HDR and so on.
The curvature is 1800R which as I understand it means it's equivalent to a circle with radius 1800mm or 1.8m
it's looks fairly uniform in real life so I suspect the picture is getting some barrel/pincushion distortion or not is properly correcting for one of those
Mentioning the curvature like that makes me think you intend to create a circle of them...
How many for a sphere?
it's only curved in the x direction if you wanted a proper sphere you'd need the Y too. But a ring of them would work :D
This is why in futuristic VR film clips they are always in an infinite tube, rather than a sphere. No y-curvature on the monitors.
In the future there will be no more spheres. Only cylinders.
A sphere is just a short cylinder with domed hats on each end
If you make a sphere big enough then when standing on it, it is indistinguishable from a really big banana.