This looks brilliant. From the Eurogamer roundup (below):
- Crew up together
- Limited numbers each server
- Spawn somewhere safe, then as you explore you can choose to attack or avoid others
- NO ITEM LEVELLING! You start with the same stuff and it doesn't get better with more you play
- Finite ammo/food (health)
- On a large ship, the person sailing the ship can't see the map, so you need a couple of you
- Small ships can be sailed alone
- Progression is doing missions (called voyages) pick up/assassinate to get cosmetic items
- Fire yourself out of a canon!
20th of March!
Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtt2JqBTG-KoBae4F0Ay2tg
I would be willing to give it a go.
The "big ship" design looks clever. One player pouring over the world map and another steering. Reminds me of the teamwork we have in GTA where one drives, one guns and another spots idiots using the big map.
yeah been keeping an eye on this one looks like it might be a good laugh
I watched a "Let's Play" of the closed beta of this yesterday. In it's current state it seems to be missing a game. All the players could do was go to an island, get a chest and return it to sell. The enemies were skeletons and sharks (neither seemed to be that challenging), no need for ship-to-ship combat. As such, only the person steering had anything to do, everyone else just sort of milled around waiting to arrive.
Hopefully they'll add more gameplay in...
Watched another Let's Play and got nausea from motion sickness! I've had similar watching people play VR games...
My impression based on the current "Lets Play"s, there is a very good chance it will have no depth and be full of griefers; but I am still willing to give it a go, just with very low expectations for its longevity.
I didn't want to mention griefers, however my initial feeling was they are expecting "player interaction" to form the core basis of gameplay, which is basically just asking for it.
...or, they will follow current trend and introduce a "Battle Royale" mode, where 100 ships are spawned into an ever-shrinking ocean, and the winner is the last boat floating.
Hmm a lot of the very early plays I saw of this by games journos etc highlighted the lack of actual game I put that down to it being still in dev and I had hoped by this point they would have fleshed out that aspect of the thing. It's disappointing that they've not yet worked that out.
100 pirate ships blasting away at each other does sound pretty good or perhaps Airbuccaneers battle royal mode
I managed a "Let's play" last night while Naomi was watching the nightmare that is In The Night Garden. It does look great but the thinness of content is a bit of a worry. I saw a 3 player team run a large boat and they put someone on the crow's nest. Although they got a good view of everything, I didn't feel like it was a huge advantage.
Depending on launch price, I'd be happy to give it a go. I think there is enough Astroneer-like fun to be had for a few evenings at least. We always have our backups of Rocket League, GTA, etc.
As for griefers, I think there will be some but it won't be like GTA where the griefer is on a rocket powered flying motorbike armed with lock-on rockets. The griefers will be on an even playing field, which makes it interesting.
yeah but the modders will be on rocket powered flying motorbikes armed with homing missiles vs blunderbuss and wind powered wooden boats :P
I expect it will be at least 60 bucks they don't tend to discount multiplayer only games anymore
From what I saw, it will also only be coming out on the Microsoft Store initially, which rarely has anything priced below the excessive RRP.
I believe it's one of the cross gaming titles though so if you have an xbox you can get it on that and you also get the PC version so there might be some deals there