First job is to start tweaking all the settings as we did on the test site. I'll use this post, and the comments herewithin to track what I've done, to give someone else a hope in hell of fixing anything I screw up.
First off...turned on Path module, and set it so that Administrator's can specify the URL of posts. This one should be a test to that.
Set the URl to not include the ?q= bit...works well with the specified URL's
Attmempted to enable User Pictures, got the following error when trying to upload one
warning: realpath() [function.realpath]: Unable to access /var/www/vhosts/lack-of.org/httpdocs/pictures/picture-5.png in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/lack-of.org/httpdocs/includes/file.inc on line 279.
warning: realpath() [function.realpath]: Unable to access /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/lack-of.org/httpdocs/pictures/picture-5.png in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/lack-of.org/httpdocs/includes/file.inc on line 279.
Permissions issue?
User images are fixed. Please re-upload yours. Ta.
Oh and it was a permissions issue. The problem is that drupal can't give read/write priv on a directory it creates (need sysadmin, or ftp to do that). So, the folder created by drupal belongs to drupal and I can't change the permissions on it. So, I made a new directory and made sure the url subdirectory was correct in admin.
Done. Not sure where it appears, however. I suspected it might appear next to posts made, as the limit is a sort of avatar-size...maybe not?
I think it normally appears on the front page next to your blog posts. It does on other site I've managed. Might be an option to do that.
Tweaked the Comments display options to;
1) Flat List - Expanded View
2) Oldest First
3) 10 per page (50 seemed a little excessive)
Cheers for that mate, particularly no. 2. Newest first on comments/forums drives me mildly insane.
Just noted that Denizens can edit any blog posts by default. Thats been changed...
Well spotted that man!
Done a bit of fiddling with the Blog Info module I got Rob to install, and its a little bit rubbish. It may be to do with the current skin, but you can either have it at the top of the page (above the header), or at the bottom of the content, underneath your blog posts. both are rubbish, as you really want it under the global header (or replacing it I suppose).
I've disabled it for now, as its a waste of space. Once the re-skin is done may be worth a bit more.
Enabled user images (its in Theme configuration, which is a stupid place for it to be). Also changed the colour of Garland to remove the ever popular blue, to the preset "Ash" colour scheme.
Changed the logo...its quick and dirty, but better than that fucking face...
Enabled Tracker module, and added menu entry "Recent Posts", which covers all sections of the site. Tried to clean up the primary menu a bit, however the weighting system seems a little screwy...
Blog Info looked much better than that. Oh well, I'll see what I can do when I reskin - which does give me a remarkable amount of power of the way things are displayed.