Saints Row 3 is awesome. Got it in the Steam sale and played it Co-Op with the big fella last night. It's fucking hilarious but not because it's trying to be funny, just because it is. It is because if you have a penchant for fucking about then it will help you fuck about more than any other game I know.
I've not done a lot of missions, so don't really know much story. It's all well gangsta. The missions are built with fun in mind. Take a tank on a tour and blow shit up? YES SIR! Realism takes a welcome back seat. What's more, if there are two of you, you get TWO tanks. Nice.
Co-Op works by one of you going to the other person's world. That's rather good because means that you can play in a more interesting world from the off. Sure, you can have a save game that you only play with someone else there but if you just fancy dropping in for an evening of mayhem, you don't have to start from scratch. This is especially the case with DLC, which I've experimented with only in part. They have ensured that missions don't get in the way of fun and vice versa.
So, for example, if you've got the world after you, arriving at a mission start location will reset your filth level instantly. That means you can start a mission, drive across town like a giant bastard in a tank and when you arrive, you don't have to lose the heat.
Your character is not fixed to a single game, so you can load it into other people's worlds, with all your kit there too. Sure, it might make the game a bit easier but then it's more fun.
Fish and I used to try and play SR2 but it was buggy as hell. This is far more slick but just as much fun. A bit more silly but that's OK. Looking forward to playing Co-Op with some peeps again - I almost don't want to play it single player now!
It is just an insane and great co-op experience.
I remade my Saints Row 2 character in 3. His name is Balsacs.
SR3 has a neat community page where you can upload and then download other people's characters. You can see him on the community page here.
It is such a friendly site:
Ooh Sh*t.
You're F*cked.
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