So, I've got all these games in my Steam account that I rarely play. Or have never played. They came as bundles or got gazumped by other, flashier games. So I redownloaded a couple to play and here's what I think.
Red Faction Guerilla
RFG is in a franchise I never played due to luke warm reviews. It is semi-open world Mars-based (read: Total Recall) shooter jobby that has destructible environments. Well, buildings anyway. I've been playing the single player campaign and destroying the environments is fun but gets old pretty quickly.
The missions aren't surprising. You collect bits of broken buildings (salvage) and swap for upgrades but there aren't many upgrades to use. You have to complete missions to unlock stuff that you then upgrade. Which is a bit annoying because there isn't a great deal of reward for just wandering out blowing shit up.
Vehicles are ground based and due to the reduce gravity model, they all handle like shit. I've tried most of them and nothing handles in a fun way. Just underpowered spongey shit.
Combat is so-so. The bad guys AI is pretty good and a good throw will attach a mining charge to their heads. HAW HAW. Not sure if I'll play much more.
Team Fortress 2
I loved TF1 and when TF2 came out, I didn't give it much of a go - mostly at Cons I think. So, it's been a while. I think TF2 rocks if you're managing to work in a team or are just fucking about. Anything inbetween is annoying because you get constantly raped by the other side.
I got onto one server and mixed up the different classes a bit. It was a good laugh but I would have preferred it with mates on Voice Chat I think. Although it is fast pace, it's handy to know that a heavy has already got a pinch point covered.
There are game modes I didn't play before, such as payload. They're quite a good laugh. I'll defo be playing more TF2 in the future. If you own it, get it installed and we'll have a play!
Yeah it's somewhat telling that the sequel to gorilla dumped the open world and went back to a standard shooter it was a big world of samey environments and tedious vehicles that made navigating it painful the mechs were sort of cool but few and far between and quite hard to drive. I would amuse myself in that game by turning up in a settlement and then flattening a building to nothing with just a hammer.
Never really played tf2 I think I got it with the orange box which made it a free gift with portal and the half life episode.
TF2 is well worth a lookin. Although there are loads of special weapons that can be bought, they are well balanced and have found myself in the top 3 with stock weapons.