Arrived and getting the essentials

So I arrived in california to the remains of a pretty nice day. I just got the tail end of work kicking out so the roads were fairly busy but not too bad. I got to the hotel in reasonable time and set myself up. The hotel room was pretty nice reasonable bed, tv, bathroom, and a little kitchen area. Wandered down the road to the nearest supermarket for some bits found they had twinnings tea so got some earl grey, spent a while wondering over the myriad of milk types they had to buy. Also got a bottle of Kirin Ichiban one of my favourite beers. Paid up and then went back to the hotel, found there was no kettle for tea. In the mean time I used other means to heat the water but I think I need to pick up a kettle asap.
Spent the rest of the evening watching discovery channel which I dozed off to about 10pm ish.
Had a pretty good nights sleep I did wake every few hours and then go back to sleep. Anyway today’s plan is visit the social security office and get that ball rolling


Awesome...does that mean you're going straight on the dole (or whatever the american equivalent is)?

babychaos's picture

Superb, EMW. Glad you're all in ok. When do you get into your new place?

brainwipe's picture

Glad you made it.

Some advice on sorting your tea making situation in USA.
Vitamin D milk is closest to normal milk
If you find a real electric kettle then you should give up IT and take up treasure hunting. You can buy coffee peculators in a kettle form factor. Don't remove the gubbins inside as the water stops convecting and heating up. Bung the tea bag in when the water is heating, as it doesn't boil this is the best way to get tea out the bag.

fish's picture

I'm not going on the dole as far as I know. You need a social security number in order to get paid it's equivalent to a national insurance number

I'm out flat hunting today so hopefully I'll find somewhere suitable until then it's hotels for me.

Really no kettles, outrageous I shall have to have one imported at great expense ... or have my parents bring one when they visit. At the moment I'm using the microwave to get the water boiling which seems to work.

Evilmatt's picture

Hm. No kettles? problematic. Well, I guess the microwave will do...

Ah, good old discovery. You'll be watching the adventures of tomatoman next ;)

Good to hear you got over there safe mate, good luck on the flat hunting :)

byrn's picture

Good luck with the flat hunt, what sort of properties are available over there? What will you be looking for? Somewhere large? A penthouse suite?

brainwipe's picture