Well, maybe not profit.
I've just posted up a timelapse video of teh car jouney back from the Gower peninsula to Reading, and I'd thought I should back it up with a few notes on the steps I had to go through in order to make it...
The filming equipment was;
The netbook was running the Creative software (Live! Cam Centre) for the webcam, which has a function called "Remote Monitoring", which can be set to take an image capture every x seconds and save it to the hard-drive (and if you are particularly eager, upload it to a website as well). For this video the time was every second, however due to the performance limitations of the netbook it slowly dropped to about 1 image every 4 seconds.
The webcam was attached to the sun-visor in the passenger seat, and the output image flipped/inverted as required in the driver settings (the camera was technically upside down). I took the biggest possible image size (1280x1024) and disabled automatic exposure control (which had trouble when facing towards the sun). The netbook was plugged into the inverter (the previous attempt to do the video on the way there had shown that the battery life was not enough to record the entire journey). In total 5337 images were taken over the course of 3 hours.
The images were all renamed into a numerically sequential order using the "batch rename" functionality of ACDSee, and then fed into VirtualDub as an image feed. VirtualDub can save sequentially named images as a video file. As part of doing this, I also applied a Crop filter to the output file to reduce the image size from 1280x1024 to 1280x720 (YouTubes preferred HD file format).
Once that was done I had the main video file, and I just needed to top and tail it in my preferred video editing software. Add an MP3 (took a few minutes to find one that was both long enough and vaguely relevant to the subject matter), and then encode it using a Divx 5 HD profile and upload it to YouTube...
I see your timelapse video and raise with one featuring cake
That is a great timelapse mate, it's the clouds in this that fascinate me the way you can see them as a separate backdrop due to the sped up time
You need to put that video in Youtube, and then