Ouch. That was a kick in the wallet. To give them credit, they could have billed me for a couple more hours of trying to get it to pass emissions.
Here's the list:
- Replace off side number plate lamp
- Replace near side headlamp bulb connector
- Replace corroded front exhaust downpipe and lambda sensor
- Replace worn near side radial arm
- Replace leaking oil filter
- Replace worn out rear brake shoe
- Replace leaking o/s wheel cylinder
- Clean drum
- Adjust brake shoes
- Refit drum
- Adjust handbrake
- Bleed brake system
- Recheck brake performance
- Check and test system emissions idling fault
- Replace temp sensor
- Check and test electrics
- Suspect ECU intermittant fault
- Retest emissions OK
- Engine sump very corroded & weak
- Rear exhaust section corroded & weak
Things not fixed:
- Heater matrix leak
Anyone want to buy a car? :S
Holy fucking arse crackers! That's nasty!
*- Replace off side number plate lamp*
you have a lamp to illuminate your number plate!? Maybe Ive got one too and never noticed but this seems superfluous
Legally your number plate has to be illuminated when your headlights are on. Motorbikes deal with it by having a little winow out of the side of the rear light, but as cars don't have a middle cluster of lights, I guess you need a separate light...
Given its a 50p bulb, I wonder how much they actually charge for it. I went into MTC (the bike shop on Oxford Road) last year to get the rear light replaced...they chucked me a bulb and told me I should be able to figurre out how to do it in about 20 seconds...they were right!
That's a hell of a list. The van never had that many things wrong with it. Although a couple of big things.
I'd worry about the sump, if that goes, then there's no hope for the engine.
Indeed. But most of them are fixed now. Main worries are the sump and the heater matrix leak. Might try some radweld on the heater matrix, John said "it can't hurt"
Probably the most amusing failure was the emissions, which on idle after fast idle were around 8%. The maximum is 0.3%...
Ah well. Its done now, and it only has to last a few months...
I do like John, he once called me a 'brave man' for driving the van onto Exmoor. When I talked about Porlock Hill, he just laughed in a nervous sort of way and commented about how much torque the van had.
Although the car is good for short term, cheap ice skating when you get out of the passenger seat...
Hmmm. Must remember to sit in the back on Saturday...
Hm. Given the liquid in the footwell is coolant, sounds like I might need to top up the antifreeze ;)
toxic puddles rather than frozen ones :D
Yes, toxic. When I give people a lift, please remember not to lick the carpet.
That's been an unstated rule until now :P
That's my hobby over.
But it's so tantalising!