Spot the Chameleon Competition

I'll do a full blog entry on my trip later on, there's a lot of stuff to get across and I'm adjusting back into UK life at the moment! In the mean time here's a pic which I promise does contain a Chameleon. Prize for the first one to locate. ;o)


I think that bit has legs...

babychaos's picture

Is this it?

fish's picture

Well done Mr Fish and unlucky Mr Ganderton! I shall present Fish with his prize of some beer when it's next appropriate.

Nibbles's picture

Woo Hoo,

I Win!

fish's picture

In retrospect I can't believe I missed the one Fish saw.

Its much easier to see once he'd highlighted it...

babychaos's picture

It took me a while to locate it once I'd got back... I knew I had the pic but I wasn't sure which one it was!

Nibbles's picture

Good photo, mate. Looking foward to reading the whole trip blog.

brainwipe's picture

Fish you cheeky bastard, no booze for you.... That sir is photo shopped!

Nibbles's picture

How long did it take you to notice that?

Dwain's picture

Photo what? Don't know what your talking about but I don't like your tone.

fish's picture

I genuinely thought he'd coloured it in... I blaming my general mong state on the monday. It was Skunty that pointed it out to me... I feel some limited shame.

Nibbles's picture


That's shocking!

babychaos's picture

While I used some logic in placing it (if you'd intentionally took a picture of a chameleon it would be central) I in no way intended to defraud you. I googled for images of the Budweiser Chameleon and picked someones signature gif. It is crude to say the least.

I think you still owe me beer, simply as punishment.

fish's picture

Yes, but it has to be a Budweiser, simply as punishment.

AggroBoy's picture

I Simpson hereby agree to buy Fish a buweiser as punishment for being a spaz.

It's fucking hard to line up a photo of an animal with such good camoflage! And I really was in quite a state on Monday... Ahem... That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Nibbles's picture

Harsh, but I'm not going to refuse.

fish's picture

So the lesson to learn that if you're going to cheat, then it's ok. As long as you cheat REALLY WELL.

brainwipe's picture

Or the person your cheating takes 6days to realise.

Dwain's picture

Or the 'Baldrick Principle' is that if it a deal sounds all far too good, don't trust Fish.

brainwipe's picture

"As long as you cheat REALLY WELL"

Or try and cheat me when I'm having god's own spaz. I even checked it... Bollocks, shouldn't have admitted to that in public.

Nibbles's picture

I don't think you have to cheat really well based on the evidence provided in this thread.

babychaos's picture

it's obvious if you look hard enough.

baron's picture

To be honest I thought you were giving me the win simply to spite Pete.

fish's picture

Well done Baron on a fine find! :) No wait.... That's not even a cameleon is it.

Fish - If only.

Nibbles's picture