This last weekend I went on a Basic Coaching Course with the Air Training Corps (ATC). The usual panic of trying to get all the paperwork signed and apporved, and find the documentation we were meant to bring was added to by my car springing a heater matrix leak which makes it unsuitable for long trips.
Still, got a lift down there from another CI (Civilian Instructor) who was passing Reading. We got there and booked into the Senior Ranks Mess, which was not exactly the Hilton, but then the Hilton costs more than 35p a night full board.
The course started at 7pm Friday. I expected a brief intorduction and agenda. What we got was 3 hours of lessons... still, there was coffee available so it wasn't much of a problem.
On leaving the course, we fancied a quick drink. Unfortunately our mess bar was closed and so was the "Atlantis bar". So the group of 3 CIs and 4 Cadets (over 18, of course) went to a bar just off base.
And stayed there till about 2am.
Not too bad in the normal scheme of things, but the course started at 8am.
Saturday was a long day of lessons. Not boring, just tiring, especially for the couple of people who had perhaps had a couple too many.
The Sunday morning start was again 8am, but thanks to the clocks changing this was effectively 9am. I even made it to breakfast. We all went in convoy to the nearby range, and started the practical aspect. The coaching part went well, but when I came to fire (each student fires for another to coach) my position was atrocious I still ache from holding teh rifle up (not the right way). Still, gave my coach plenty to do ;)
Got back about 6 on Sunday, but did very little. Watched TV then went to bed.
It was good, but I need a weekend now...
I always ached from holding even the smallest .22 rifle. I'd fire ten rounds (grouping) and then I'd have to get up, have a rest, massage and a sit down.
Explain to the interweb exactly what you're qualified to do now.
The thing is, in the correct position it shouldn't hurt... if it hurts it indicates the rifle isn't naturally pointed at the target, supported by bone, not muscle.
I'm not sure of the wording, paperwork is in the post. Gist is I'm qualified to coach marksmanship on any weapon I'm current on, which at the moment is just the No. 8...
Yeah, but Rob you also had the problem that unless someone sat on your feet you tipped forward due to the rifle weighing more than you.
Well done Byrn, come the revolution you'll be ready.
nice :D
As ready as I usually am, that is, ready to advise others on how to do it ;)
I always found it funny that some of the people who coached couldn't shoot for shit. I'm not pointing at Byrn with this (and certainly not Tony Walton - ex OC 120 Sqn, who taught me (and the sisiter) to shoot) by at some others that, when having a "staff shoot" after the cadets have all been can barely see the target, let along point the rifle at it.
Big congrats, mate. It's actually something you have to pass, not everyone manages it. It's not one of those turn-up-and-be-there courses.