'lo all.
Matt and I are soon to be off around the planet. To celebrate us leaving you in peace for five weeks or so, we'll be having some drinks on Saturday the 8th of March.
We'll be starting early, around lunchtime, and will be inhabiting the pub until into the evening, to selflessly allow people to drop in whenever is good. Or to drink a lot. Definately one of those.
Venue: The Bob
Date: 8th March
Time: 1pm till late
Should be able to pop along for a bit...what time is "lunch"?
I'll be coming in from the start. Mrs probably will too. As per Pete's Q...
Time wasn't listed as its under discussion.. will get right back to you.
I shall swing by to point out how insanely jealous I am. Insanely
Updated with quantified lunch.
Gill and myself will be swinging by as a break from gardening, and probably to abuse the food facilities...
I'll be there, I'm unsure of the time at the moment as I have a family lunch that day, to celebrate my Grandparents 60th wedding anniversary.
Dammit. I have a friend's housewarming thing that day.
Now I have to split my time between two venues. Or maybe skip out on Mark's thing. I mean Weybridge; WTF?
Yes, I spotted that clash in your calander, but arrogantly assumed we'd steal you for part of the day :P
Safe assumption. :) BoB is much more convenient.
I should mention that since my birthday falls during the trip (on our first full day in San Fran :D ) this will double as my birthday celebration as well :)
Will it be serving as Byrn's too?
I think we are back before byrns
Sorry guys, but I'll be hurtling down a mountain that day as I begin a week of skiing.
Have some beer for me.
Sorry I couldn't make it, was sick as a parrot and also in Twickenham, so fail on two parts of actually getting there...