This popped up on Steam a while back while it's still in development it has a free demo that is pretty extensive. It is an interesting combination of factory game and cellular automata game (something akin to Noita or even elements of something like No Oxygen include's fluid and gas simulation) it involves mining sand and then processing it to get gold. It's one of those games that builds layers on layers so you start out mining sand and wetting it and then shaking it to get some gold. Then you get shakers which automate that separating gold from wet sand sand producing slag. then you get kinetic impact machines that if you drop burnt slag from sufficient height it converts it to gold and spores. Then you get planters that if you put wet spores on grow flowers which when destroyed make gold and purple stuff. Then if you mix the purple stuff with red sand it makes cinderchar ... and so on.
Some processes consume resources so you need to replenish them or find more (water is consumed wetting sand or spores) you get tools to create fire or freeze things and you can evaporate water into steam which if it reaches the sky condenses back into rain.
It's pretty fun even in this early state and the demo is pretty large for something free
I'll be keeping an eye on this as its a fun new mix of game types.