So they dropped the GTA 6 trailer a day early due to the leaks
Not much there in the way of gameplay seems to be set in florida based on the number of gators airboats and the beach + neon theming (so vice city I guess)
The graphics look pretty good although taking that with a pinch of salt given this is early footage and a trailer but still its something rockstar usually manages to one up everyone on GTA5 and RedDead2 are both still amazing looking games many years after launch.
Release date is still a bit out only listing 2025 so at least a full year if not more away. Something to look forward to I guess :)
Console release date is 2025...PC is not yet even confirmed.
Waiting until Felix gets home from school before I watch this one!
Oooooooh! It does look good. Vice City, nice variety of water and city. I hope they sneak some random mountains in - Florida is known for being very flat!
hmmm yeah console is out 2025 and I know for both gta5 and rdr2 it was at least a year till the pc port so 2026?
I love that Tom Petty is seeing a massive boost on streaming services purely on the back of this trailer, an increase 36,979% compared to this time last week according to the bbc :D